Hi all!
The EPEL Steering Committee's mandate for leading EPEL was time-limited by FESCo until end of September this year. Well, we are getting closer to that date now, so we IMHO should start to discuss how to move on. [...]
I just send a mail to fedora-devel-list with this para and some more details. As most EPEL contributors are likely on that list as well I avoided to cross-post the mail here and chose to send this "heads up" instead.
If you are not on fedora-devel you can find that mail at: https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-list/2007-August/msg01845.html Feel free to express you opinion here, but it IMHO would be best for everyone if we have the discussion just in one place (e.g. fedora-devel).
CU knurd