The following Fedora EPEL 6 Security updates need testing: Age URL 656 85 49 9 7 7 6 6 4 4 3 0 0
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora EPEL 6 updates-testing
GMT-4.5.11-1.el6 GMT-coastlines-2.2.4-1.el6 RBTools-0.5.7-1.el6 asciinema-0.9.7-5.el6 bind-to-tinydns-0.4.3-12.20140205git32dc9263.el6 dar-2.4.12-1.el6 docker-io-0.8.0-1.el6 lighttpd-1.4.34-1.el6 llvm-3.4-9.el6 mock-1.1.36-1.el6 python-gnupg-0.3.6-1.el6 transifex-1.2.1-5.el6
Details about builds:
================================================================================ GMT-4.5.11-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-0468) Generic Mapping Tools -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Update to 4.5.11. The only non-bug change was adding the latest dimensions for recent Sandwell/Smith img files that go up to 85°, and adding definition file dat.def for mgd77 ASCII DAT format to the x2sys supplement. We also had to modify the –S option in pscontour.c to address a bug. This GMT release also coincides with the latest GSHHG release version 2.2.4 which adds a few missing lakes to California and fixes an error in the Baffin Island coastline and removes skinny spikes from numerous features. Below is the list of bug corrections for individual library files or programs:
- gmt_customio.c : The magic recognition of native bit grids failed due to bad math. Wrote wrong number of bytes per record for odd-width Sun rasterfiles. - gmt_grdio.c : Would restrict grid region in grdimage.c despite doing a global map with azimuthal projections. - gmt_io.c : Formats for degree annotations using colons should never end in a trailing colon. Could not properly decode yyodd (no delimiter) time coordinates like 12Oct24. The GMT_import_table function checked for greenwich before assigning the input data. - gmt_init.c : Shifted JD origin by one day (24 Nov, instead of 25 Nov). - gmt_map.c : The oblique Mercator would get the pole on the wrong hemisphere. When -Jx is used with longitudes we must use the wesn clipping and outside functions, not the Cartesian ones. Fixed clipping problem in GMT_wesn_clip for regions larger than 180 but less than 360. GMT_grdproject_init did not handle increments that had been specified as units, e.g., -D30e. - gmt_plot.c : Did not check for map-jumping in GMT_plot_rectangle (psxy -SJ). - gmt_proj.c : Inverse -JR blew up at origin; now added a check. Needed to allow for minor round-off when determining if a point is beyond the horizon for -JG general perspective projection. blockmean.c : Did not use data near west column nodes that were off by 360 for gridline registered grids. - blockmedian.c : Did not use data near west column nodes that were off by 360 for gridline registered grids. - blockmode.c : Did not use data near west column nodes that were off by 360 for gridline registered grids. - filter1d.c : Susceptible to round-off when determining t of first and last output point when -T was not given. - gmtmath.c : The MIN and MAX operators ignored NaNs, but result should be NaN if one of the operands equal NaN. Wrong index order in rarely used SVD part of LSQFIT. - gmtset.c : Did not write values to .gmtdefaults4 if BASEMAP_TYPE was graph or inside. - grdfft.c : Fix normalization for of power estimate in -E. - grdimage.c : Fix bug represented by the test script for mix of -R selections and pixel/gridline choices. - grdblend.c : Despite geographic grids there were no check to shift a grid region by ±360 to match specified output region. - grdlandmask.c : Did not set output as geographic after using -Jx1d. - grdmath.c : The MIN and MAX operators ignored NaNs, but result should be NaN if one of the operands equal NaN. The XOR operator was incorrect, it is now clarified to be 0 if A == NaN and B == NaN, NaN if B == NaN, else A. Fix bug in CURV operator. - grdsample.c : When given a -Rg grid and giving -Rg on command line, the output region became -360/0 instead of the expected 0/360. - grdtrend.c : We messed up an interior parameter array in the 2009-10-14 fix in 4.5.2. This affected robust fits and grids with NaNs. - grdvector.c : Did not reject vectors on far side of orthographic maps. Enforce that -Idx/dy must be multiples of grid dx/dy and abort if they are not. Before we would crash, hang, etc. - greenspline.c : The normalization for 2-D with geographic data suffered from not checking that longitudes may be off by ±360. Needed -f in order to select -f0T input, plus it made assumptions about getting lon,lat despite not being selected. When -T was used the number of z-layers (1) was not initialized. - nearneighbor.c : Clarify how -N works, what the defaults are, and let the minimum number of sectors default to 50% of sectors instead of a hard-wired 2. - pscontour.c : Added -St to skip triangles whose 3 vertices are outside domain; in contrast, -S or -Sp skips all points outside domain before triangularization. - psmask.c : Multiple, ancient bugs fixed: properly mark used edges, fix memory allocations, not report clipping if -D is used, starting point for a contour was not offset by 1/2 pixel. Was off by one in the grid index calculation. - pstext.c : The line in -D...v was plotted on top rather than beneath box. - xyz2grd.c : For -E, must read data as double so can properly compare with the nodata_value read as double. - meca/ : Called get_trans at north pole and tried to find a point further north. Did not honor the -N setting. - mgd77/ : The azimuth written was back-azimuth, not forward. Picked id = time_column when set was 1 (custom), causing the first custom data column to be formatted as time (this is for the netCDF format files). - sph/sphdistance.c : Make sure we visit replicated columns for gridline registered grids. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Sat Nov 9 2013 Orion Poplawski - 4.5.11-1 - Update to 4.5.11 - Drop includes patch fixed upstream - Spec cleanup * Tue Mar 12 2013 Orion Poplawski 4.5.9-3 - Add another needed include (bug #920675) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ GMT-coastlines-2.2.4-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-0468) Coastline data for GMT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Update to 4.5.11. The only non-bug change was adding the latest dimensions for recent Sandwell/Smith img files that go up to 85°, and adding definition file dat.def for mgd77 ASCII DAT format to the x2sys supplement. We also had to modify the –S option in pscontour.c to address a bug. This GMT release also coincides with the latest GSHHG release version 2.2.4 which adds a few missing lakes to California and fixes an error in the Baffin Island coastline and removes skinny spikes from numerous features. Below is the list of bug corrections for individual library files or programs:
- gmt_customio.c : The magic recognition of native bit grids failed due to bad math. Wrote wrong number of bytes per record for odd-width Sun rasterfiles. - gmt_grdio.c : Would restrict grid region in grdimage.c despite doing a global map with azimuthal projections. - gmt_io.c : Formats for degree annotations using colons should never end in a trailing colon. Could not properly decode yyodd (no delimiter) time coordinates like 12Oct24. The GMT_import_table function checked for greenwich before assigning the input data. - gmt_init.c : Shifted JD origin by one day (24 Nov, instead of 25 Nov). - gmt_map.c : The oblique Mercator would get the pole on the wrong hemisphere. When -Jx is used with longitudes we must use the wesn clipping and outside functions, not the Cartesian ones. Fixed clipping problem in GMT_wesn_clip for regions larger than 180 but less than 360. GMT_grdproject_init did not handle increments that had been specified as units, e.g., -D30e. - gmt_plot.c : Did not check for map-jumping in GMT_plot_rectangle (psxy -SJ). - gmt_proj.c : Inverse -JR blew up at origin; now added a check. Needed to allow for minor round-off when determining if a point is beyond the horizon for -JG general perspective projection. blockmean.c : Did not use data near west column nodes that were off by 360 for gridline registered grids. - blockmedian.c : Did not use data near west column nodes that were off by 360 for gridline registered grids. - blockmode.c : Did not use data near west column nodes that were off by 360 for gridline registered grids. - filter1d.c : Susceptible to round-off when determining t of first and last output point when -T was not given. - gmtmath.c : The MIN and MAX operators ignored NaNs, but result should be NaN if one of the operands equal NaN. Wrong index order in rarely used SVD part of LSQFIT. - gmtset.c : Did not write values to .gmtdefaults4 if BASEMAP_TYPE was graph or inside. - grdfft.c : Fix normalization for of power estimate in -E. - grdimage.c : Fix bug represented by the test script for mix of -R selections and pixel/gridline choices. - grdblend.c : Despite geographic grids there were no check to shift a grid region by ±360 to match specified output region. - grdlandmask.c : Did not set output as geographic after using -Jx1d. - grdmath.c : The MIN and MAX operators ignored NaNs, but result should be NaN if one of the operands equal NaN. The XOR operator was incorrect, it is now clarified to be 0 if A == NaN and B == NaN, NaN if B == NaN, else A. Fix bug in CURV operator. - grdsample.c : When given a -Rg grid and giving -Rg on command line, the output region became -360/0 instead of the expected 0/360. - grdtrend.c : We messed up an interior parameter array in the 2009-10-14 fix in 4.5.2. This affected robust fits and grids with NaNs. - grdvector.c : Did not reject vectors on far side of orthographic maps. Enforce that -Idx/dy must be multiples of grid dx/dy and abort if they are not. Before we would crash, hang, etc. - greenspline.c : The normalization for 2-D with geographic data suffered from not checking that longitudes may be off by ±360. Needed -f in order to select -f0T input, plus it made assumptions about getting lon,lat despite not being selected. When -T was used the number of z-layers (1) was not initialized. - nearneighbor.c : Clarify how -N works, what the defaults are, and let the minimum number of sectors default to 50% of sectors instead of a hard-wired 2. - pscontour.c : Added -St to skip triangles whose 3 vertices are outside domain; in contrast, -S or -Sp skips all points outside domain before triangularization. - psmask.c : Multiple, ancient bugs fixed: properly mark used edges, fix memory allocations, not report clipping if -D is used, starting point for a contour was not offset by 1/2 pixel. Was off by one in the grid index calculation. - pstext.c : The line in -D...v was plotted on top rather than beneath box. - xyz2grd.c : For -E, must read data as double so can properly compare with the nodata_value read as double. - meca/ : Called get_trans at north pole and tried to find a point further north. Did not honor the -N setting. - mgd77/ : The azimuth written was back-azimuth, not forward. Picked id = time_column when set was 1 (custom), causing the first custom data column to be formatted as time (this is for the netCDF format files). - sph/sphdistance.c : Make sure we visit replicated columns for gridline registered grids. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Sat Nov 9 2013 Orion Poplawski 2.2.4-1 - Update to 2.2.4, switch to netcdf4 version --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ RBTools-0.5.7-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-0462) Tools for use with ReviewBoard -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Bugfixes primarily for Perforce integration Upstream release 0.5.2
This version of RBTools is required in order to operate with recent (1.7+) versions of Review Board.
Note that the modern Review Board server is not supported on EPEL5, but this client component is. Upstream release 0.5.2
This version of RBTools is required in order to operate with recent (1.7+) versions of Review Board.
Note that the modern Review Board server is not supported on EPEL5, but this client component is. Upstream release 0.5.2
This version of RBTools is required in order to operate with recent (1.7+) versions of Review Board.
Note that the modern Review Board server is not supported on EPEL5, but this client component is. Upstream release 0.5.2
This version of RBTools is required in order to operate with recent (1.7+) versions of Review Board.
Note that the modern Review Board server is not supported on EPEL5, but this client component is. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Wed Feb 5 2014 Stephen Gallagher 0.5.7-1 - New upstream release 0.5.7 - - New upstream release 0.5.6 - * Wed Jan 15 2014 Stephen Gallagher 0.5.5-1 - New upstream release 0.5.5 - - New upstream release 0.5.4 - - Deprecation: * post-review is deprecated (and has been for a while). It now shows a deprecation warning in order to remind me to use rbt post. - Bug Fixes: * rbt patch: * rbt patch no longer fails to commit on Git if there are untracked files. * Fixed committing changes when the description has unicode characters. * Fixed compatibility with Review Board 2.0 beta. * rbt post: * Fixed R1:R2 syntax for --revision-range for Git repositories. * Fixed name-based lookups for repositories with Subversion. * rbt setup-repo: * Fixed error output when failing to write the .reviewboardrc file. * post-review: * Added --svn-show-copies-as-adds to post-review. * Mon Jan 6 2014 Stephen Gallagher - 0.5.3-1 - New upstream release 0.5.3 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ asciinema-0.9.7-5.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-0469) Command line recorder for service -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
package python-setuptools is required Asciinema is a free and open source solution for recording the terminal sessions and sharing them on the web. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1034492 - Review Request: asciinema - Record and upload terminal sessions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ bind-to-tinydns-0.4.3-12.20140205git32dc9263.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-0460) Convert DNS zone files in BIND format to tinydns format -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Updated to latest upstream snapshot; supports AAAA records --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ dar-2.4.12-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-0464) Software for making/restoring incremental CD/DVD backups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Software for making/restoring incremental CD/DVD backups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Wed Feb 5 2014 Luis Bazan - 2.4.12-1 - new upstream version - add noreplace config - fix changelog -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1060412 - /etc/darrc gets overwritten on update --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ docker-io-0.8.0-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-0461) Automates deployment of containerized applications -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
upstream version bump -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Wed Feb 5 2014 Lokesh Mandvekar - 0.8.0-1 - upstream version bump - don't use btrfs for rhel6 and clones (yet) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1062177 - docker-io-0.8.0 is available --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ lighttpd-1.4.34-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-0465) Lightning fast webserver with light system requirements -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Latest upstream, multiple security fixes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Wed Feb 5 2014 Jon Ciesla - 1.4.34-1 - 1.4.34, multiple security fixes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1029667 - CVE-2013-4560 CVE-2013-4559 lighttpd: various flaws [epel-all] [ 2 ] Bug #994444 - 1.4.31 contains a severe DOS attack point [ 3 ] Bug #879185 - lighttpd-1.4.34 is available [ 4 ] Bug #1026567 - CVE-2013-4508 lighttpd: uses vulnerable cipher suites when SNI is used [fedora-all] [ 5 ] Bug #1026568 - CVE-2013-4508 lighttpd: uses vulnerable cipher suites when SNI is used [epel-all] [ 6 ] Bug #1029666 - CVE-2013-4560 CVE-2013-4559 lighttpd: various flaws [fedora-all] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ llvm-3.4-9.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-0264) The Low Level Virtual Machine -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Updated el6 to 3.4, obseleted pure, removed --with-c-include-dir, fixed ffi.h include, and removing specification of targets. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Wed Feb 5 2014 Dave Johansen 3.4-9 - Removing specification of targets * Tue Feb 4 2014 Dave Johansen 3.4-8 - Adding include path for ffi.h * Mon Feb 3 2014 Dave Johansen 3.4-7 - Removing specification of --with-c-include-dirs * Fri Jan 31 2014 Kyle McMartin 3.4-6 - Disable lldb on everything but x86_64, and i686. It hasn't been ported beyond those platforms so far. * Wed Jan 29 2014 Dave Johansen 3.4-5 - Obsoleting pure on EL6 * Sat Jan 18 2014 Dave Johansen 3.4-4 - Enable building on EL6 * Fri Jan 17 2014 Dave Airlie 3.4-3 - bump nvr for lldb on ppc disable * Tue Jan 14 2014 Dave Airlie 3.4-2 - add ncurses-devel BR and Requires * Tue Jan 14 2014 Dave Airlie 3.4-1 - update to llvm 3.4 release * Fri Dec 20 2013 Jan Vcelak 3.3-4 - remove RPATHs - run ldconfig when installing lldb (#1044431) - fix: scan-build manual page is installed into wrong location (#1038829) - fix: requirements for llvm-ocaml-devel packages (#975914) - add LLVM cmake modules into llvm-devel (#914713) * Sat Nov 30 2013 Jan Vcelak 3.3-3 - properly obsolete clang-doc subpackage (#1035268) - clang-analyzer: fix scan-build search for compiler (#982645) - clang-analyzer: switch package architecture to noarch * Thu Nov 21 2013 Jan Vcelak 3.3-2 - fix build failure, missing __clear_cache() declaration * Tue Nov 12 2013 Jan Vcelak 3.3-1 - upgrade to 3.3 release - add compiler-rt, enables address sanitizer (#949489) - add LLDB - debugger from LLVM project (#1009406) - clean up documentation * Thu Oct 17 2013 Jakub Jelinek - 3.3-0.10.rc3 - Rebuild for gcc 4.8.2 * Sat Sep 14 2013 Petr Pisar - 3.3-0.9.rc3 - Rebuild for OCaml 4.01.0. * Sat Aug 3 2013 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.3-0.8.rc3 - Rebuilt for * Wed Jul 17 2013 Petr Pisar - 3.3-0.7.rc3 - Perl 5.18 rebuild * Mon Jun 10 2013 Adam Jackson 3.3-0.6.rc3 - llvm 3.3-rc3 * Tue Jun 4 2013 Adam Jackson 3.3-0.5.rc2 - Rebuild for gcc 4.8.1 * Tue May 28 2013 Adam Jackson 3.3-0.4.rc2 - llvm 3.3-rc2 * Sat May 18 2013 Peter Robinson 3.3-0.3.20130507 - Enable aarch64 target * Tue May 7 2013 Adam Jackson 3.3-0.1.20130507 - Bump to LLVM 3.3svn - Enable s390 backend * Mon May 6 2013 Adam Jackson 3.2-6 - Only build codegen backends for arches that actually exist in Fedora * Wed May 1 2013 Adam Jackson 3.2-5 - Tweak ld flags for memory usage and performance * Thu Apr 4 2013 Jens Petersen - 3.2-4 - fix bogus date for 2.9-0.2.rc1 - drop insufficient llvm-3.2-clang-driver-secondary-arch-triplets.patch * Sun Mar 31 2013 Dennis Gilmore - 3.2-3 - add a hack to clang defaulting arm to hardfloat * Fri Mar 8 2013 Adam Jackson 3.2-2 - Update R600 patches - Move static libs to -static subpackage - Prep for F18 backport * Wed Feb 13 2013 Jens Petersen - 3.2-1 - update to 3.2 - update R600 patches to Tom Stellard's git tree - llvm-fix-ghc.patch is upstream - llvm-3.1-docs-pod-markup-fixes.patch no longer needed - add llvm-3.2-clang-driver-secondary-arch-triplets.patch (#803433) - build with gcc/g++ even if clang is installed - llvm-config.1 manpage is no longer * Mon Feb 4 2013 Jens Petersen - 3.1-16 - bring back configuration for gcc arch include dir (Yury Zaytsev, #893817) which was dropped in 3.0-0.1.rc3 - BR gcc and gcc-c++ with gcc_version * Thu Jan 31 2013 Jens Petersen - 3.1-15 - move lvm-config manpage to devel subpackage (#855882) - pod2man moved to perl-podlators in F19 * Fri Jan 25 2013 Kalev Lember - 3.1-14 - Rebuilt for GCC 4.8.0 * Wed Jan 23 2013 Jens Petersen - 3.1-13 - fix some docs pod markup errors to build with new perl-Pod-Parser * Mon Oct 29 2012 Richard W.M. Jones - 3.1-12 - Rebuild for OCaml 4.00.1. * Mon Sep 24 2012 Michel Salim - 3.1-11 - Actually build against GCC 4.7.2 * Mon Sep 24 2012 Michel Salim - 3.1-10 - Rebuild for GCC 4.7.2 * Tue Aug 14 2012 Dan Horák <dan[at]> - 3.1-9 - Apply clang patches only when clang is being built * Thu Jul 19 2012 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.1-8 - Rebuilt for * Fri Jul 13 2012 Peter Robinson - 3.1-7 - Rename patch as it actually fixes Haskell * Thu Jul 12 2012 Peter Robinson - 3.1-6 - Add patch to fix building OCAML on ARM * Wed Jul 4 2012 Michel Salim - 3.1-5 - Actually set runtime dependency on libstdc++ 4.7.1 * Mon Jul 2 2012 Peter Robinson - 3.1-4 - Rebuild for new libstdc++ bump * Sun Jun 10 2012 Richard W.M. Jones - 3.1-3 - Rebuild for OCaml 4.00.0. * Fri Jun 8 2012 Michel Salim - 3.1-2 - Rebuild for ocaml 4.00.0 beta * Sun Jun 3 2012 Dave Airlie 3.1-1 - rebase to 3.1 + add r600 patches from Tom Stellar * Fri May 25 2012 Peter Robinson - 3.0-13 - Add compiler build options for ARM hardfp * Sun May 6 2012 Peter Robinson - 3.0-12 - Bump build * Fri Mar 30 2012 Michel Alexandre Salim michel@hermione.localdomain - 3.0-11 - Replace overly-broad dependency on gcc-c++ with gcc and libstdc++-devel - Pin clang's dependency on libstdc++-devel to the version used for building - Standardize on bcond for conditional build options - Remove /lib from search path, everything is now in /usr/lib* * Mon Mar 26 2012 Kalev Lember - 3.0-10 - Build without -ftree-pre as a workaround for clang segfaulting on x86_64 (#791365) * Sat Mar 17 2012 Karsten Hopp 3.0-9 - undefine PPC on ppc as a temporary workaround for and RHBZ#769803 * Sat Feb 25 2012 Michel Salim - 3.0-8 - Apply upstream patch to properly link LLVMgold against LTO * Fri Feb 24 2012 Michel Salim - 3.0-7 - Build LLVMgold plugin on supported architectures * Tue Feb 7 2012 Michel Salim - 3.0-6 - Make subpackage dependencies arch-specific - Make LLVM test failures non-fatal on ARM architectures as well (# 770208) - Save LLVM test log on platforms where it fails * Sun Feb 5 2012 Michel Salim - 3.0-5 - Clang test suite yields unexpected failures with GCC 4.7.0. Make this non-fatal and save the results - Multilib fix for harcoded ld search path in ./configure script * Sat Jan 7 2012 Richard W.M. Jones - 3.0-4 - Rebuild for OCaml 3.12.1. * Wed Dec 14 2011 Adam Jackson 3.0-3 - Also ExcludeArch: ppc* in RHEL * Tue Dec 13 2011 Adam Jackson 3.0-2 - ExcludeArch: s390* in RHEL since the native backend has disappeared in 3.0 * Sun Dec 11 2011 Michel Salim - 3.0-1 - Update to final 3.0 release * Mon Dec 5 2011 Adam Jackson 3.0-0.2.rc3 - RHEL customization: disable clang, --enable-targets=host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #882352 - Rebase llvm/clang to 3.x for EPEL6 [ 2 ] Bug #1058472 - pure on epel6 needs rebuild because of llvm update --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ mock-1.1.36-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-0467) Builds packages inside chroots -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
bugfixes and config changes Fixed %%post scriptlet to properly set default.cfg symlink various bugfixes Removed f17 configs and added f20 configs Removed f17 configs and added f20 configs various bugfixes Removed f17 configs and added f20 configs Removed f17 configs and added f20 configs various bugfixes Removed f17 configs and added f20 configs Removed f17 configs and added f20 configs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Wed Feb 5 2014 Clark Williams - 1.1.36-1 - configs: first cut at epel-7 configs for x86_64 and ppc64 - Add 'extra_chroot_dirs' config option - use repoquery --installroot to avoid yum cache corruption [BZ# 1029352 and 985681] - mockchain: avoid special characters in repoid [BZ# 1034805] - from Jon Disnard - implement autoreconf call in build phase of mock rpm [BZ# 926154] - fix --copyout by temporary drop and restore of privs [BZ# 1002142] - from Dennis Gilmore - rawhide and f19/f18 is hardware floating point only for arm, drop the unneeded configs - from Yann Droneaud - pass root environment to repoquery calls for proxy config [BZ# 974499] - from Miroslav Suchý - add releasever config option to configs [BZ# 1056039] * Tue Nov 5 2013 Clark Williams - 1.1.35-1 - modified %post logic to set default config correctly * Tue Oct 29 2013 Clark Williams - 1.1.34-1 - fixed specfile to include mass rebuild changelog entry - package_state: drop privs when writing available_packages data [BZ# 916685] - unconditionally update default.cfg on install [BZ# 858822] - attempt to make mock more EL5 friendly [BZ# 949616] - do not ignore missing dependencies [BZ# 955478] - set the group defined in chrootgid [BZ# 953519] - add the --nocheck option to mock [BZ# 1015790] - raise privs before deleting rpm db files in chroot [BZ# 973617] - clean up orphan processes even if chroot not cleaned [BZ# 972868] - do not remove the chroot builddir if not cleaning the chroot [BZ# 483486] - use root object environment in package_state plugin [BZ# 921221] - Pass values of --plugin-option through literal_eval [BZ# 1018359] - add default mode to mount in tmpfs plugin [BZ# 598257] - exit mockbuild.util.logOutput() when child process dies [BZ# 885405] * Wed Aug 21 2013 Clark Williams - 1.1.33-1 - removed f17 configs - added f20 configs - fixed mockchain to use mock config default setup [BZ# 962573] - remove bogus lockfile dir in _setupDirs() [BZ# 894305] * Sat Aug 3 2013 Fedora Release Engineering - 1.1.32-2 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1029352 - windows 2008 R2 guest BSOD with '-no-kvm' [ 2 ] Bug #985681 - repoquery writes /var/run/, only one can run at a time [ 3 ] Bug #1034805 - [PATCH] Do not pass $ to repo id in mockchain [ 4 ] Bug #926154 - mock: Does not support aarch64 in f19 and rawhide [ 5 ] Bug #1002142 - mock --copyout breaks cleanup of the selinux plug-in [ 6 ] Bug #974499 - can't init mock behind a proxy [ 7 ] Bug #1056039 - [PATCH] $releasever in Repos field is not expanded [ 8 ] Bug #916685 - mock ... foo.src.rpm fails if foo.src.rpm is on nfs filesytem [ 9 ] Bug #858822 - Mock's default configuration is not updated, becomes outdated over time [ 10 ] Bug #949616 - Suggested patches to mock 1.1.30 to build and work on EL5 [ 11 ] Bug #955478 - Unresolved dependencies silently ignored [ 12 ] Bug #953519 - After changing config_opts['chrootgid'], the process still runs with mock group privileges [ 13 ] Bug #1015790 - Add --nocheck to mock [ 14 ] Bug #973617 - [abrt] mock-1.1.32-1.fc19: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/var/lib/mock/fedora-rawhide-x86_64/root/var/lib/rpm/__db.001' [ 15 ] Bug #972868 - [abrt] mock-1.1.32-1.fc18: [Errno 16] Device or resource busy: '/var/lib/mock/epel-6-x86_64/root/dev/shm' [ 16 ] Bug #483486 - Can't build 'nosrc' srpms using mock (--no-clean does not work) [ 17 ] Bug #921221 - Activation of package_state in 1.1.29 breaks setups with http proxy servers [ 18 ] Bug #1018359 - [PATCH] Pass values of --plugin-option through literal_eval [ 19 ] Bug #885405 - mock hangs when rpm %check fails (reproducer) [ 20 ] Bug #962573 - mockchain fails on complicated config files [ 21 ] Bug #894305 - directory /var/lock/rpm unowned --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ python-gnupg-0.3.6-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-0466) Python module for GnuPG -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
fixes protection against shell injection from previous (0.3.5) release -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Thu Feb 6 2014 Paul Wouters - 0.3.6-1 - Updated to 0.3.6 which includes Security fix (CVE-2014-XXXX) - Upstream including our export patch and converted README file - Upstream switched to new download site -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1061599 - python-gnupg: incorrect fix against shell injection --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ transifex-1.2.1-5.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-0463) A system for distributed translation submissions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
A system for distributed translation submissions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Wed Feb 5 2014 Luis Bazan - 1.2.1-5 - python-django-pistonr is django-piston * Wed Feb 5 2014 Luis Bazan - 1.2.1-4 - now python-django-filter and sorting stable * Fri Jan 31 2014 Luis Bazan - 1.2.1-3 - fix depedency problems -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1021679 - transifex on epel6 has unsatisfied dependencies --------------------------------------------------------------------------------