Just a reminder: it's a SIG meeting, not a Steering Committee meeting. The EPEL Steering Committee would be glad if SIG members and other EPEL contributors would join us more often!
00:00:02 < knurd> | Meeting ping dgilmore, Jeff_S, knurd, mmcgrath, nirik, stahnma, quaid and everyone interested in EPEL -- EPEL meeting in #fedora-meeting now! 00:00:02 < knurd> | Hi everybody; who's around? 00:00:02 --- | knurd has changed the topic to: EPEL Sig meeting -- Meeting rules at http://www.fedoraproject.org/wiki/Extras/Schedule/MeetingGuidelines -- Init process 00:00:04 * | knurd likes to remind people that the schedule and the topic list for todays meeting can be found on http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL/Schedule 00:00:22 * | nirik is here. 00:00:23 --> | che (Rudolf Kastl) has joined #fedora-meeting 00:00:30 * | mmcgrath here 00:00:44 < che> | heyyas 00:01:05 < mmcgrath> | I know dgilmore is traveling today 00:01:57 < knurd> | stahnma, was around two hours ago 00:02:22 --> | kital (Joerg Simon) has joined #fedora-meeting 00:02:40 --> | Jeff_S (Jeff) has joined #fedora-meeting 00:02:46 < knurd> | hi Jeff_S :) 00:02:56 < Jeff_S> | :) 00:03:10 < knurd> | that makes four people from the steering committee 00:03:16 < knurd> | well, let's start slowly 00:03:21 --- | knurd has changed the topic to: EPEL Meeting|push to stable easily -- knurd 00:03:33 < knurd> | I talked to mschwendt about it 00:03:39 < knurd> | but didn't find time for more yet 00:03:53 < knurd> | my plan is to create a second set of push scripts 00:04:02 * | nirik thinks that sounds reasonable. 00:04:08 < knurd> | and a small add-on script, that moves stuff from testing to stable 00:04:10 < mmcgrath> | that do what? 00:04:25 < knurd> | and then uses the normal scripts for the createrepo, repoview and sync stuff 00:05:02 < nirik> | we will need to make sure that testing is totally clear of problems before moving things to stable... 00:05:02 < knurd> | nirik, are you extras pushed? 00:05:14 < knurd> | nirik, or accidentally familar with the push scripts? 00:05:21 < knurd> | I likely could need some help 00:05:58 --> | stahnma_ (Unknown) has joined #fedora-meeting 00:06:00 < nirik> | I didn't do extras pushes, no... I'd be happy to help. 00:06:01 < knurd> | nirik, yeah, but we could do that similar to how we did it for the annoucement 00:06:10 < mmcgrath> | <nod> 00:06:11 * | stahnma_ is here...stupid network issues 00:06:12 < knurd> | nirik, do you know python well? 00:06:30 < mmcgrath> | it seems likely that without manual work the testing repo will probably always be broken 00:06:30 < knurd> | mmcgrath, could you sponser nirik as epel_pusher? 00:06:33 < nirik> | not super well. I'm more of a quick and dirty shell scripter from long ago. 00:06:37 <-- | ricky has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00:06:41 < nirik> | but I can figure out python usually. 00:06:50 < knurd> | nirik, well, we'll find a way 00:07:00 < mmcgrath> | knurd: will he be working on the scripts or doing the pushing or both? 00:07:02 < knurd> | I think we move on now and discuss the details another time 00:07:17 < knurd> | mmcgrath, I'd say: all that is involved with pushing 00:07:20 < mmcgrath> | nirik: apply for the epel pushers group. 00:07:23 < nirik> | yeah, we will need to intervene on testing repo to make it clean I am sure. 00:07:24 < Jeff_S> | in general it sounds like a good idea to me 00:07:38 < nirik> | mmcgrath: ok. 00:07:48 --- | knurd has changed the topic to: EPEL Meeting|new meeting time? -- all (see also http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL/NewMeetingTime 00:08:02 < knurd> | shall we remove this from the list and stick to this time? 00:08:22 < stahnma_> | would it be possible to do alternating meetings, like some other Fedora groups though? 00:08:27 * | mmcgrath doesn't have an opinion on this really. 00:08:27 < nirik> | I think this time is probibly the best we are going to do. 00:08:28 < Jeff_S> | well, I'll be at a new job starting in October and I'm not sure if this will work or not for me at that point 00:08:30 < stahnma_> | so sometimes it's not in the middle of my work day? 00:08:32 < mmcgrath> | stahnma_: +1 00:08:43 < Jeff_S> | but likely it'll still work 00:08:56 < knurd> | stahnma_, I'm fine with that 00:09:08 < Jeff_S> | +1 here too 00:09:11 < stahnma_> | ok, let's talk about it on list 00:09:15 < knurd> | but that likely means that I won#t be around if we don#t find a european-firendly timeslot 00:09:19 < knurd> | stahnma_, +1 00:09:36 <-- | ChitleshGoorah has quit (No route to host) 00:09:49 < stahnma_> | ok, well try and have a good for Europe timeslot one week and good for US next week or something 00:09:53 < stahnma_> | anyway, details on list 00:09:57 < Jeff_S> | ok 00:10:07 --- | knurd has changed the topic to: EPEL Meeting| MetaData for all Packages available to contributors. -- stahnma 00:10:15 < knurd> | stahnma_ ? 00:10:22 < stahnma_> | The thread that was brough up about this is very interesting 00:10:34 < stahnma_> | basically, the EPEL community has no exact list of packages in RHEL/RHN proper 00:10:45 < stahnma_> | and even if we get a list of packages, we still need metadata 00:10:53 < stahnma_> | to see if we're conflicting with RH packages 00:10:55 < nirik> | I was pondering on that... could we get a list from plagueserver? 00:11:04 < nirik> | ie, the buildsystem? 00:11:09 < stahnma_> | using hte RHN API I can get almost everything 00:11:13 < knurd> | nirik, has only RHEL, not the extras channels 00:11:13 < stahnma_> | I was working on this morning 00:11:18 < mmcgrath> | well the build system doesn't have extra channels. 00:11:24 < stahnma_> | the metadata is the hard part 00:11:28 < nirik> | ah, ok. 00:11:29 < mmcgrath> | unfortunately I think this may have to be a reactive thing. 00:11:34 < mmcgrath> | since its a moving target. 00:11:44 < stahnma_> | I mean, using hte API I can get files and all sort of stuff, basically, anything that RPM can give you 00:11:53 < nirik> | could we provide some lookup tool? 00:11:58 < stahnma_> | but, how to capture the data and incorporate into our processes, that's hard 00:12:02 < stahnma_> | nirik: +1 00:12:06 < mmcgrath> | nirik: and use what as the back end? 00:12:06 < stahnma_> | If we had a generic RHN account 00:12:20 < mmcgrath> | Fedora Infrastructure has RHN but not all of the channels 00:12:25 < stahnma_> | Just a python script that hits RHN? 00:12:25 < nirik> | not sure. ;( 00:12:42 < mmcgrath> | there is an API to RHN. 00:12:42 < knurd> | stahnma_, quaid said something about "RHEL subscriptions -- looking for a budget sponsor, haven't found one yet" 00:12:48 < nirik> | we do need something tho, so we block already existing packages. ;( 00:12:54 < stahnma_> | that's what I have been working with mmcgrath 00:13:17 < mmcgrath> | whats the end goal of knowing whats in RHEL? 00:13:28 < mmcgrath> | not duplicating? 00:13:33 < stahnma_> | I think it's making sure new package don't conflict with rhel or addon packages 00:13:38 < nirik> | right. 00:13:45 < stahnma_> | but I am unclear on our position for all channels 00:13:57 < mmcgrath> | stahnma_: but both epel and RHN are moving targets. 00:14:07 < stahnma_> | true, so I guess we need some ongoing process 00:14:09 < nirik> | also, are there going to be any more new packages added to 5.1 that were not in the 5.1beta? I guess we wait and see. 00:14:10 < mmcgrath> | so there's no real way to do what we're proposing. 00:14:28 < mmcgrath> | unless we do like a daily check of everything in RHN vs everything in epel. 00:14:57 < stahnma_> | yes, if we had a good outline of what exactly was required, I think we could conquer it 00:14:59 <-- | sankarshan has quit ("Are you sure you want to quit this channel (Cancel/Ok) ?") 00:15:07 < nirik> | do new packages get added to RHN at non quarterly updates? or only on quarterly? 00:15:18 < stahnma_> | supposedly only quarterly 00:15:23 < mmcgrath> | when it comes to additional channels, I don't think there's any rules. 00:15:23 < skvidal> | umm 00:15:23 < stahnma_> | but new channels can pop up any time 00:15:23 < skvidal> | no 00:15:30 < skvidal> | security updates get pushed async 00:15:31 < warren> | It isn't exactly quarterly 00:15:45 < stahnma_> | skvidal: right, updates for existing packages 00:16:00 < stahnma_> | but new packages, as in foo previously didn't exist in RHEL 5 channel 00:16:00 < warren> | and sometimes new packages are added "async", usually in the "Fastrack" channel 00:16:36 --> | ricky (Ricky) has joined #fedora-meeting 00:16:47 < knurd> | so, what to do? 00:16:53 < knurd> | continue the discussion on the list? 00:16:55 < nirik> | ideally, what we want is 2 items: when a new epel package is being added we want to make sure it's not already in RHN. Also, we want to know when new RHN packages are added so if they are in EPEL we can drop the epel one, right? 00:16:57 <-- | kital has quit (Remote closed the connection) 00:17:40 < knurd> | nirik, I think those are the main problems (at least afaics) 00:17:58 < stahnma_> | yeah, according to RHN there are 464 channels 00:18:01 < stahnma_> | currently 00:18:06 * | warren sends a note to management to be sure added packages are "newer" than EPEL packages. 00:18:14 < nirik> | FYI, 5.1 (beta at least) has 3 new packages that are in epel already 00:18:30 < nirik> | but all of them are newer in rhn... so no problem with upgrades. 00:18:34 < skvidal> | what about z-stream or whatever it is being called today builds? 00:18:54 < nirik> | stahnma_: 464! woah. What are all those? yikes. I thought there were only a handfull... 00:18:57 < stahnma_> | skvidal: is that the LAMP stack stuff that can roll? 00:19:13 < stahnma_> | nirik: well, that's each arch, and AS and ES separate 00:20:10 < knurd> | we get slow again -- continue on the list? 00:20:28 < mmcgrath> | +1 to the list. This is a compicated topic. 00:20:39 < mmcgrath> | seems straight forward, but it just isn't :) 00:20:39 < nirik> | sure... I think stahnma_ is the leader here since he has RHN access. ;) 00:20:56 < stahnma_> | Ok 00:21:07 < stahnma_> | I will get some data together and try to circle round on the list 00:21:08 * | knurd has access to some RHN boxes now as well -- finally :-) 00:21:15 < knurd> | stahnma_, k, thx 00:21:17 * | knurd moves on 00:21:25 --- | knurd has changed the topic to: EPEL Meeting| for enterprise customers/ISVs/IHVs -- stahnma, quaid 00:21:34 < knurd> | quaid's topics, who's not around 00:21:41 < stahnma_> | skip... 00:21:44 < knurd> | does anyone want to say something about that topic? 00:21:52 < knurd> | seesm not 00:21:53 --> | G_ (Nigel Jones) has joined #fedora-meeting 00:21:53 --- | knurd has changed the topic to: EPEL Meeting| 00:21:58 < stahnma_> | I need to reread the stuff Quaid sent out 00:22:00 < knurd> | same prceedure 00:22:08 < stahnma_> | again, on list... 00:22:09 --- | knurd has changed the topic to: EPEL Meeting -- Free discussion around EPEL 00:22:22 < knurd> | anything else to discuss? 00:22:43 --- | chitlesh_ is now known as ChitleshGoorah 00:22:51 < Jeff_S> | not me 00:23:00 * | knurd will close the meeting in 60 00:23:12 < nirik> | oh, on the license stuff... EPEL branches should get updated as well, right? 00:23:26 < nirik> | since we follow fedora package guidelines? But not rebuilt? or ? 00:23:29 < stahnma_> | nirik: I would assume 00:23:29 < knurd> | same as FC-6 and F-7 afaics 00:23:38 < knurd> | e.g. update with next pacakge update 00:23:42 < nirik> | ok, we might drop a note to the epel list about that... 00:23:51 < stahnma_> | probably a good idea 00:23:54 < knurd> | +1 00:23:57 * | stahnma_ has several packages to update... 00:24:01 < Jeff_S> | +1 00:24:21 < knurd> | does anyone want to take care of that? 00:24:26 < knurd> | or shall I just mention it in the report? 00:24:36 < knurd> | btw, is anybody reading the reports? 00:24:40 < stahnma_> | I do 00:24:42 < knurd> | or am I just wasting my time? 00:24:42 < stahnma_> | every week 00:24:46 < Jeff_S> | I always read them 00:24:47 < nirik> | In the report is fine... I can do a seperate post if people want. 00:24:51 * | nirik reads them. 00:24:57 < knurd> | nirik, might be a good idea 00:25:05 < stahnma_> | +1 00:25:10 < knurd> | nirik, maybe quickly ask spot for his opinion on that topic 00:25:32 < nirik> | ok, will do one. I also did a mass check of sources, might be some epel packages affected by that (although I just checked devel/rawhide) 00:25:49 < nirik> | ok, can do. 00:25:58 < knurd> | k, anything else regarding EPEL? 00:26:11 * | mmcgrath has nothing 00:26:19 --> | _blah_ (purple) has joined #fedora-meeting 00:26:24 * | knurd will close the meeting in 30 00:26:42 * | knurd will close the meeting in 15 00:26:56 < knurd> | -- MARK -- Meeting end
On 8/26/07, Thorsten Leemhuis fedora@leemhuis.info wrote:
Just a reminder: it's a SIG meeting, not a Steering Committee meeting. The EPEL Steering Committee would be glad if SIG members and other EPEL contributors would join us more often!
Currently the meetings are occuring during other workside stuff. I will see if I can join when at the new meeting time.