[12:00] <stahnma> ping dgilmore, Jeff_S, knurd, mmcgrath, nirik, quaid [12:00] * Jeff_S here [12:00] <Jeff_S> hi [12:00] * nirik is only going to be around for the first few minutes... have another meeting I have to go off to. ;( [12:00] <stahnma> ok [12:00] <stahnma> any topics, you need to ring on nirik? [12:00] <stahnma> anyone else around? [12:01] * dgilmore is here [12:01] <nirik> lets see... let me look at the schedule. [12:02] <stahnma> We'll give people another minute or so, and then get started [12:02] <nirik> would like to see the spam-o-matic active if it isn't already. We need those broken deps fixed... [12:02] --> mdomsch has joined this channel (n=Matt_Dom@cpe-70-124-62-55.austin.res.rr.com). [12:02] <stahnma> agreed, but it seems much/all of the issues stem from lack of packges [12:03] <nirik> yeah. [12:04] *** You set the channel topic to "EPEL Meeting - broken Deps - Jeff_S". [12:04] <stahnma> Jeff_S: not sure how your name alone got assigned to this, but any updates? [12:04] <Jeff_S> see my email I just sent out - there are still lots of missing deps [12:05] <Jeff_S> I agree with knurd that we should perhaps move them to testing next week if we still don't have a response from the maintainers [12:05] <stahnma> I saw that, do we have any plans for a solution? [12:05] <dgilmore> quaid is likely not around [12:05] <stahnma> ok, mmcgrath is also MIA [12:05] * quaid is here, sorry [12:05] <Jeff_S> if we can run the spammy script at least once more this week, that might help bug people enough to fix things [12:06] <stahnma> is it people fixing their own dependencies though, or is dependencies between other packages? [12:06] <dgilmore> mmcgrath: can you send out a summary of what be broke [12:06] <Jeff_S> but I don't think we should sit around waiting for everything to get fixed, as it may never happen [12:06] <stahnma> Only a week to add/branch/build a lot of packages seems pretty quick [12:06] <mmcgrath> pong [12:06] <mmcgrath> sorry [12:06] <mmcgrath> Sure [12:06] <Jeff_S> stahnma: it seems to me it is missing other people's packages [12:06] <mmcgrath> let me do a run right now (it takes a bit) [12:06] <stahnma> that was the impression I got also [12:06] <nirik> I've found that if you mail maintainers direct with a solution, most of them will do something... I can try and do that some in the next few days. [12:07] <Jeff_S> ie. people may need to step up and co-maintain for epel to get their needed deps [12:07] <nirik> there is some movement to fix bugzilla... https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=248765 [12:07] * dgilmore wonders if mmcgrath will take fping :) or should j-rod [12:08] <Jeff_S> dgilmore: here's my list against centos: http://www.sheltren.com/epel/repoclosure/2007-07-18/ [12:08] * nirik packs up to head out. Sorry I got double meeting booked. Feel free to email me or catch me later if there is anything specific folks would like me to help with. [12:08] <stahnma> should we send an update out to the list once again, asking them to branch/update status? I feel like we have done this a number of times already [12:08] <stahnma> bye nirik [12:09] <Jeff_S> stahnma: yes, we have done that already [12:09] --> _blah_ has joined this channel (i=rob@ [12:09] <stahnma> ok, well maybe we talk about the testing solution then [12:10] <dgilmore> i though i had blacklisted nagios from being multilib [12:10] <Jeff_S> I think we need to either do that or drop the broken packages [12:10] <stahnma> dgilmore: what's the feasability of quarentining packages with broken deps? [12:11] <dgilmore> stahnma: its manual process [12:11] <mmcgrath> hmm [12:11] <dgilmore> i.e. move them out of the tree [12:13] <stahnma> so tha't s quite painful? [12:15] <stahnma> any proposed solution? [12:15] <stahnma> should we bring it up on list again? I really don't understand the effort required from infrastructure side to remove broken dep packages. [12:15] <Jeff_S> knurd volunteered to do the work on that if needed [12:16] <stahnma> that's a plus :) [12:16] <stahnma> ok, next topic? [12:16] <Jeff_S> well, can we all agree that something needs to get done before announce? [12:16] <stahnma> +1 [12:16] <Jeff_S> we can discuss specifics on the list [12:17] <Jeff_S> is everyone gone? :) [12:17] <mmcgrath> should I enable a weekly run of the spam script? [12:17] * mmcgrath is running one right now with --nomail to get a list of whats borked. [12:17] <Jeff_S> mmcgrath: I think that would be nice [12:17] *** You set the channel topic to "EPEL Meeting - spam o magic script - mmcgrath". [12:18] <_blah_> weekly? how about daily? :) [12:18] <stahnma> I vote once the kinks are worked out, we enable it [12:18] <Jeff_S> mmcgrath: is it easy to change the script to point to testing/ once we start using that directory? [12:19] <mmcgrath> stahnma: I think the kinks are mostly worked out, Once this thing finishes I'll send it to paste bin (or the list if it takes too long) [12:20] <dgilmore> mmcgrath: id like to see a weekly run [12:20] <Jeff_S> +1 [12:21] <mmcgrath> Jeff_S: yes, it should be pretty easy. [12:22] <Jeff_S> great [12:22] <stahnma> ok [12:22] <stahnma> /topic EPEL Meeting – branch for EPEL if Fedora maintainer does not [12:22] <stahnma> react – knurd [12:22] <stahnma> friggen [12:22] <Jeff_S> :) [12:22] *** You set the channel topic to "EPEL Meeting - branch for EPEL if Fedora Maintainer does not react". [12:23] <stahnma> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL/GuidelinesAndPolicies#head-00c9e731bb7bc5... [12:23] <stahnma> This is what the List has put together [12:23] <stahnma> do we like it? [12:23] <stahnma> I think knurd wanted to ratify it [12:23] <stahnma> I think it serves it's purpose [12:23] <Jeff_S> works for me [12:24] * stahnma looks around and wonders if anyone else will speak up [12:24] * mmcgrath notes - http://pastebin.ca/624953 <--- spam-o-epel script run on RHEL4 tree [12:24] <_blah_> it isn't what is on the list [12:25] <Jeff_S> https://www.redhat.com/archives/epel-devel-list/2007-July/msg00104.html <-- is that what should be in the wiki? [12:26] <Jeff_S> it looks good to me [12:26] <_blah_> jeff_s: yes, that is the latest from the list. [12:27] * stahnma has the wrong URL? :) [12:27] * stahnma will update the wiki [12:28] <stahnma> with the text from list [12:28] <stahnma> assuming we agree it says the right thing [12:28] <_blah_> stahnma: thanks. that is what needs to be done. [12:28] <Jeff_S> +1 [12:28] <_blah_> i don't get a vote but +1 :) [12:29] <stahnma> any thoughts quaid mmcgrath dgilmore? [12:29] * quaid reads [12:30] <quaid> I'm remiss in finishing the edit oon Guidelines... but it's all language, not details [12:30] <quaid> details seemed fine with me [12:30] <stahnma> ok [12:30] <Jeff_S> sorry, but I need to go! [12:30] <stahnma> ok [12:30] <stahnma> hmm [12:30] <stahnma> we're reaching a very small number here [12:30] <Jeff_S> I think we need knurd to discuss the meeting time anyway [12:31] * stahnma would like to talk about meeting times, but not enough people here.... [12:31] <dgilmore> i dont think we have enough people to make a descison [12:31] <stahnma> (must be a bad time to have a meeting ) [12:31] * stahnma hints [12:31] <Jeff_S> ;) [12:31] <stahnma> mmcgrath: spam-o-matic output looks good [12:31] <Jeff_S> usually this is good, but I've got a lot of stuff that just came up... [12:31] <stahnma> ok, I will move to general discussion and we'll postpone the rest [12:31] <dgilmore> We need to have things branched that are needed [12:32] *** You set the channel topic to "EPEL - general discussion". [12:32] <mmcgrath> stahnma: I expect epel5 to be finished running in a bit [12:32] <stahnma> so dgilmore, are the cvs admins behind on branching, or is it a lack of requests? [12:33] <dgilmore> nirik: has been branching like crazy [12:33] <dgilmore> its a lack of requests [12:33] <stahnma> ok [12:33] <stahnma> that's what I thought [12:34] <stahnma> any thoughts on the RHEL5 server vs RHEL5 client stuff? [12:34] <stahnma> other than, it's a headache [12:36] [470] #php ##php Forwarding to another channel [12:36] [Notice] -ChanServ- [##php] "Welcome to ##php - Help and Discussion; PHP Social channel is at #phpc" [12:37] <dgilmore> no freaking idea [12:37] <dgilmore> we need to find out what Red Hat support will find acceptable [12:37] * mmcgrath shakes head and sighs. [12:37] <dgilmore> which will probably require the skills of quaid [12:37] <mmcgrath> dgilmore: thats probably the best route. [12:38] <dgilmore> before we even think of something we need to make sure its ok [12:38] <_blah_> mmcgrath: odd i tried to diff your spam-o-epel output from mine, and the packages are slightly out of order making the diff pointless. in general they look very similar. [12:39] <mmcgrath> _blah_: thats always fun. I suppose you could sort the output of each first. [12:40] <quaid> dgilmore: sounds like we should stay away from packaging stuff in RHX for now [12:40] <quaid> give them some room to work things out [12:40] <_blah_> riek seems responsive to getting usable RHEL5 Server / Client divides. [12:40] <dgilmore> quaid: possibly yeah [12:41] <dgilmore> quaid: i still want zimbra packaged in a sane fashion [12:41] * stahnma thinks if we can fix Client/Server that would be a great start. RHX can wait a little while...at least official RHX in EPEL [12:41] <dgilmore> and a syncml plugin so i can sync my laptop/desktops/crackberry [12:42] <quaid> dgilmore: let's talk with dhuff about helping him help the ISVs? [12:42] <dgilmore> quaid: sounds good [12:42] --> JSchmitt has joined this channel (n=s4504kr@p54B12D6B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de). [12:42] * rdieter sits in the back, shares popcorn with knurd_afk [12:43] * dgilmore puts rdieter to work :) [12:43] <stahnma> anything else? [12:44] <_blah_> stahnma: +1 [12:44] <stahnma> _blah_: ? [12:45] <_blah_> stahnma: RHX can wait. fix Client/Server now. [12:45] <stahnma> oh, I see [12:45] <stahnma> :) [12:45] <stahnma> planning to end meeting now...unless anyone has somethign else to bring up [12:46] <stahnma> next week will include meeting times and revisit of deps [12:46] <stahnma> END in 30 [12:46] * frozty_sa wants to speak to stahnma after meeting has ended [12:46] <stahnma> END in 15 [12:46] <stahnma> frozty_sa: ok [12:47] <stahnma> END MEETING
On 18.07.2007 19:54, Michael Stahnke wrote: [...]
[12:17] <mmcgrath> should I enable a weekly run of the spam script? [12:17] * mmcgrath is running one right now with --nomail to get a list of whats borked. [12:17] <Jeff_S> mmcgrath: I think that would be nice [12:17] *** You set the channel topic to "EPEL Meeting - spam o magic script - mmcgrath". [12:18] <_blah_> weekly? how about daily? :) [12:18] <stahnma> I vote once the kinks are worked out, we enable it [12:18] <Jeff_S> mmcgrath: is it easy to change the script to point to testing/ once we start using that directory? [12:19] <mmcgrath> stahnma: I think the kinks are mostly worked out, Once this thing finishes I'll send it to paste bin (or the list if it takes too long) [12:20] <dgilmore> mmcgrath: id like to see a weekly run [12:20] <Jeff_S> +1
Could a push of new packages trigger the script run? That how it seems to have worked in Extras, and that's likely the best solution afaics, as people that build new packages then will immediately get "you broke something feedback" -- that's afaics much better then up to a week later.
Cu thl