We would like to set up an announce only list mainly meant for system administrators to know about what is changing or going on in the stable branch.
Please let us know what items you would like to see in this list? Weekly package summary? Pushes of packages from testing to stable? Retired packages? Packages that have drastic changes/known issues?
Replies to emails on that list would go here.
Stephen John Smoogen wrote:
We would like to set up an announce only list mainly meant for system administrators to know about what is changing or going on in the stable branch.
Please let us know what items you would like to see in this list? Weekly package summary? Pushes of packages from testing to stable? Retired packages? Packages that have drastic changes/known issues?
Replies to emails on that list would go here.
New packages in -testing including a changelog snippet would be awesome.
Kind regards,
Jeroen van Meeuwen -kanarip