The following builds have been pushed to Fedora EPEL 6 updates-testing
Details about builds:
================================================================================ convert2rhel-0.12-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2020-d0a4bcf7f1) Automates the conversion of RHEL derivative distributions to RHEL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
- require --enablerepo with --disable-submgr - fix failing conversions if gpgcheck=1 not in used custom repos - always logging debug info to the log file - unnecessary backup of kernel packages is not being performed - add missing python-setuptools dependency on RHEL 6 to a spec file - unregister from RHN Classic if in use - change a temporary folder path from /tmp/convert2rhel/ to /var/lib/convert2rhel - add the ability to specify custom RHSM URL - unsubscribe from RHSM during a rollback - drop the support for conversions of RHEL 5 - make sure that RHEL kernel has been installed correctly during the conversion - fix parsing RHSM output due to its change in RHEL 7.8 - fix stopping the convert2rhel execution when not running as root - the convert2rhel.log file is not being overwritten but appended - do not traceback when intentionally stopping the conversion - do not ask for subscription SKU pool IDs when activation key is used -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Wed Aug 19 2020 Michal Bocek 0.12-1 - require --enablerepo with --disable-submgr - fix failing conversions if gpgcheck=1 not in used custom repos - always logging debug info to the log file - unnecessary backup of kernel packages is not being performed - add missing python-setuptools dependency on RHEL 6 to a spec file - unregister from RHN Classic if in use - change a temporary folder path from /tmp/convert2rhel/ to /var/lib/convert2rhel - add the ability to specify custom RHSM URL - unsubscribe from RHSM during a rollback - drop the support for conversions of RHEL 5 - make sure that RHEL kernel has been installed correctly during the conversion - fix parsing RHSM output due to its change in RHEL 7.8 - fix stopping the convert2rhel execution when not running as root - the convert2rhel.log file is not being overwritten but appended - do not traceback when intentionally stopping the conversion - do not ask for subscription SKU pool IDs when activation key is used * Tue May 12 2020 Michal Bocek 0.11-1 - updated license in spec files from GPLv3 to GPLv3+ - set up automated pylint and unit test coverage checks in GitHub - removed packit smoke test - fixed packit configuration for downstream release proposals * Wed May 6 2020 Michal Bocek 0.10-1 - fixed rpm dependencies - blacklisted kmod-kvdo causing a transaction failure on CentOS 7 - convert2rhel exits with 0 on a help message - added packit configuration for Copr builds and unit testing on a PR -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1830769 - convert2rhel fails hard when GPG key is not imported [ 2 ] Bug #1830772 - logfile is overwritten instead of appended [ 3 ] Bug #1831093 - No more kernel installed and script stopped with failure --------------------------------------------------------------------------------