Just a reminder: it's a SIG meeting, not a Steering Committee meeting. I'd be glad if SIG members and other EPEL contributors would join us more often!
00:00:04 < knurd> | Meeting ping dgilmore, Jeff_S, knurd, mmcgrath, nirik, stahnma, quaid and everyone interested in EPEL -- EPEL meeting in #fedora-meeting now! 00:00:04 < knurd> | Hi everybody; who's around? 00:00:04 --- | knurd has changed the topic to: EPEL Sig meeting -- Meeting rules at http://www.fedoraproject.org/wiki/Extras/Schedule/MeetingGuidelines -- Init process 00:00:07 * | knurd likes to remind people that the schedule and the topic list for todays meeting can be found on http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL/Schedule 00:00:26 * | nirik is here, but on phone 00:00:27 * | stahnma is 00:00:31 * | Jeff_S_ here 00:00:31 --> | jgu__ (purple) has joined #fedora-meeting 00:00:35 --> | debarshi (Debarshi Ray) has joined #fedora-meeting 00:00:45 < debarshi> | names 00:01:00 < knurd> | sorry, seems I forgot to send the topic list out 00:01:09 < knurd> | (but of course it's always in the wiki) 00:01:12 < knurd> | debarshi ? 00:01:53 < mmcgrath> | pong! 00:02:02 * | knurd starts slowly 00:02:04 --- | knurd has changed the topic to: EPEL Meeting|new push scripts for pushing to testing, adjust mock configs to use testing -- dgilmore 00:02:10 < knurd> | dgilmore finished that 00:02:27 < debarshi> | knurd: Sorry. My mistake. 00:02:27 < knurd> | we need to do more stuff with the script to be able to push to stable 00:02:37 < knurd> | but for now it should be good enough 00:02:45 < knurd> | I'll take a look at it over the next few days 00:02:48 --> | smooge (Stephen J Smoogen) has joined #fedora-meeting 00:02:51 --- | knurd has changed the topic to: EPEL Meeting|branch for EPEL if Fedora maintainer does not react -- dgilmore 00:02:54 < knurd> | finsihed as well 00:03:02 < knurd> | see list and wiki for details 00:03:08 --- | knurd has changed the topic to: EPEL Meeting|yum for EPEL4 -- Jeff_S 00:03:14 < knurd> | Jeff_S ? 00:03:15 < stahnma> | Also finished :) 00:03:23 < Jeff_S_> | see mailing list -- it shold work fine 00:03:23 < stahnma> | I think 00:03:25 < Jeff_S_> | *should* 00:03:30 * | stahnma will test in a bit 00:03:34 < Jeff_S_> | thanks 00:03:36 < stahnma> | I have RHEL 4 sitting around 00:03:40 < knurd> | k 00:03:40 * | quaid is here after he finds his scroll down 00:03:48 < Jeff_S_> | stahnma: that's great 00:03:49 < knurd> | what do we need to do to get it in testing? 00:03:51 < stahnma> | jeff, what's the URL? 00:04:00 * | stahnma is too lazy to find his email 00:04:03 < Jeff_S_> | http://www.sheltren.com/epel/packages/ 00:04:05 < knurd> | Jeff_S_, will you maintain it for EPEL4? 00:04:25 < Jeff_S_> | knurd: yes, I can maintain yum + deps if nobody else is interested 00:04:42 < knurd> | seems you are the perfect one for the job atm 00:04:42 < Jeff_S_> | I'll run it by the fedora maintainers 00:04:47 < knurd> | Jeff_S_, k 00:04:54 * | f13 peeks in 00:05:07 --- | knurd has changed the topic to: EPEL Meeting|EPEL announcement happened -- are we satisfied with how everything worked out? 00:05:16 < knurd> | that's still on the topic list 00:05:21 <-- | jgu__ has left #fedora-meeting ( ) 00:05:25 < knurd> | do we want to discuss this further or simply move on? 00:05:38 < quaid> | think we discussed it, +1 to move on 00:05:40 < hpachas-PE> | install fedora 7 in SATA Model ST3250820AS, who? 00:05:49 * | Jeff_S_ fine to move on 00:06:05 < knurd> | k, I'll remove it from the schedule then 00:06:07 --- | knurd has changed the topic to: EPEL Meeting| RHX and EPEL -- quaid 00:06:07 --> | zoeloelip (Bart Vanbrabant) has joined #fedora-meeting 00:06:07 --> | zoeloelip (Bart Vanbrabant) has joined #fedora-meeting 00:06:10 < knurd> | quaid ? 00:06:25 < quaid> | nothing new 00:06:34 < knurd> | k :) 00:06:38 < quaid> | but I haven't asked in a while; forgot it could be on the agenda 00:06:48 < knurd> | but I leave it on the schedule? 00:06:56 < knurd> | s/the/our/ ? 00:06:59 < quaid> | well, that way we don't forget, ok 00:07:08 < knurd> | k 00:07:21 < knurd> | topic EPEL Meeting| for enterprise customers/ISVs/IHVs -- stahnma, quaid 00:07:24 --- | knurd has changed the topic to: EPEL Meeting| for enterprise customers/ISVs/IHVs -- stahnma, quaid 00:07:31 < knurd> | that also still on the schedule 00:07:35 < knurd> | is that still valid? 00:07:50 * | mmcgrath looks at communication plan 00:07:53 <-- | nphilipp has quit ("Leaving") 00:08:00 < quaid> | well, it's about as far as we can get it 00:08:08 < quaid> | but I haven't heard from the rest of the crew in a while 00:08:27 < stahnma> | are the RH SE's talking about EPEL at all? 00:08:39 < mmcgrath> | We should get something up there that speaks directly to ISV to tell them how to get involved and make it known to the rest of us that they are an ISV. 00:09:03 < knurd> | quaid, how about sending it to the list as RFC and ratify it next week? 00:09:04 < quaid> | stahnma: maybe 00:09:10 < quaid> | knurd: ok 00:09:27 < mmcgrath> | stahnma: we could always call RH, ask to talk to a sales guy and find out :) 00:09:50 * | knurd moves on 00:09:51 < stahnma> | hmm 00:09:52 < stahnma> | hahah 00:09:55 < knurd> | 7me waits 00:09:55 < stahnma> | sounds fun 00:10:13 --- | knurd has changed the topic to: EPEL Meeting| 00:10:22 < stahnma> | Jeff_S_: Yum works on RHEL 4 00:10:27 < knurd> | quaid, another old topic 00:10:28 --> | krh (Kristian H gsberg) has joined #fedora-meeting 00:10:30 < Jeff_S_> | stahnma: great, thanks for testing 00:10:30 < stahnma> | or doesn't work, however you want look at it 00:10:32 < knurd> | is that one still valid? 00:10:33 < Jeff_S_> | hah 00:10:44 < stahnma> | it builds, as do the deps 00:11:37 < knurd> | seems quaid vanished for the moment 00:11:47 --- | knurd has changed the topic to: EPEL Meeting|ExcludeArch TrackerBugs for EPEL -- notting/knurd 00:11:55 < knurd> | anyone interesed in solving this one 00:12:01 < knurd> | seems I don#t get down to it 00:12:01 --> | debarshi_ (Debarshi Ray) has joined #fedora-meeting 00:12:05 < quaid> | sorry, was working on that email 00:12:21 < quaid> | I'll send the generic job descriptiokn as an RFC as well 00:12:33 < knurd> | quaid, k, thx 00:12:58 < hpachas-PE> | sorry, SATA work with Fedora 7 ?? 00:12:58 * | knurd will wait 30 sekonds for volunteers for the "ExcludeArch TrackerBugs for EPEL" before moving on 00:13:17 < knurd> | hpachas-PE, you'll likely want to ask in #fedora 00:13:18 < Jeff_S_> | hpachas-PE: try #fedora please 00:13:28 * | Jeff_S_ too slow 00:13:29 < knurd> | hpachas-PE, we have a meeting specific to epel here currently 00:13:40 < hpachas-PE> | ok. sorry 00:13:41 < knurd> | Jeff_S_, just one second afaics ;-) 00:13:45 < knurd> | hpachas-PE, np 00:14:17 * | knurd EPEL -- FESCo mandate/how to move on with SIG and SteeringCommittee 00:14:21 --- | knurd has changed the topic to: EPEL -- FESCo mandate/how to move on with SIG and SteeringCommittee 00:14:24 < knurd> | that's better 00:14:34 < knurd> | I just remembered that we need to think about this soon 00:14:47 < knurd> | the mandate from FESCo is limited till 30th September iirc 00:14:53 < stahnma> | what is this topic saying? 00:15:03 < knurd> | do we want to move on with the current scheme 00:15:17 < knurd> | or do we want to elect a sterring committee? 00:15:27 < quaid> | *ick* :) 00:15:38 < quaid> | I'm like you, I've begun to wonder about all this election noise 00:15:40 < mmcgrath> | I guess the question is what are we trying to accomplish beyond what we are accomplishing now. 00:15:47 < quaid> | is it helpful? what do we do, poll people to find out? 00:16:07 < stahnma> | elections to me would be nice, but it seems interest is among only very few people, so elections probalby wouldn't do a whole lot 00:16:07 < quaid> | mmcgrath: maintenance and growth 00:16:22 < knurd> | mmcgrath, yeah, I'm don#t like the election idea myself, but well, if others want then I'm find with doing one 00:16:32 < knurd> | stahnma, +1 00:17:08 < knurd> | well, maybe we should all thing about this somehow 00:17:16 < quaid> | we could recommend an extension of the mandate for e.g. 6 months 00:17:18 < stahnma> | I think right now growth of the repo and user-base is where we should putting effort 00:17:23 < stahnma> | not into politics 00:17:32 < quaid> | +1 00:17:52 < quaid> | and we seem to have a manageable group without adding or subtracting 00:17:55 < knurd> | quaid, well, is there a reasons to time-limit it again? 00:18:01 < mmcgrath> | I guess a specific goal would be good. I mean the obvious goal is there but do we also want to aggressively add more packages? Add more packagers? Add more documentation? Marketing? 00:18:09 < quaid> | knurd: only if we think we need a forced decision at some point 00:18:21 < knurd> | yeah, you have a point 00:18:22 < quaid> | mmcgrath: yes :) 00:18:26 < stahnma> | I would like to get more involvement from EL customers, and hear what they think/want need 00:18:27 < nirik> | I don't know that we would have enough people to make an election worth it. 00:18:31 < knurd> | mmcgrath, "more packages" is still goal #1 I'd say 00:18:45 * | nirik agrees with knurd 00:19:40 < mmcgrath> | Well, how do we get more packages in? 00:19:47 < knurd> | good question 00:19:55 < mmcgrath> | AFAIK most people have just come upon us :) 00:19:58 < knurd> | lists of important pacakges that still miss in EPEL? 00:19:59 < stahnma> | allow for hostile takeover of maintainane :) 00:20:01 < knurd> | more maintainers? 00:20:27 * | mmcgrath thinks now would be a good time for "more packagers/maintainer" 00:20:38 < mmcgrath> | get the word out about how to get involved, maybe help with reviews, etc. 00:20:47 < stahnma> | +1 mmcgrath 00:20:54 < knurd> | maybe a sponser-way for EPEL-only contrinbutors 00:20:56 < stahnma> | most reviews are done already in the Fedora space 00:21:05 < knurd> | that want to maintain existing packages 00:21:25 <-- | debarshi has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00:21:32 --- | debarshi_ is now known as debarshi 00:21:44 < knurd> | well, let's stop here and continue on the list and in the next meeting with this topic 00:21:48 < stahnma> | there are several packages in Fedora not in EPEL yet, should we do a mass emailing off all non-committed maintiners and try to solicit their wish for involvingment in EPEL? 00:22:03 * | stahnma can't type 00:22:13 < knurd> | stahnma, maybe yes 00:22:17 < stahnma> | baiscally, find out the status for everyone 00:22:26 < stahnma> | and then see what package will need new maintainers for EPEL 00:22:32 < stahnma> | and get those built if possible 00:22:33 < knurd> | stahnma, the package database might help 00:22:42 < knurd> | but abadger1999 is busy with lots of stuff already 00:22:42 * | stahnma was looking that last night 00:22:56 < knurd> | so EPEL specific things likely won#t he high on the todo list 00:23:10 < abadger1999> | What's the issue? 00:23:32 * | nirik has a number of packages he would like to branch for epel, but hasn't had time. 00:23:33 < knurd> | abadger1999, nothing specific (yet) 00:24:07 * | mmcgrath wonders if peoples packages aren't in epel because of -ENOTIME -EDOESNTCARE or -EMISSINGDEP 00:24:12 < knurd> | but maybe tracking the stuff from http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL/ContributorStatus in a DB might help to identify packages/packagers, that do not hit EPEL 00:24:22 < abadger1999> | knurd: k. Feel free to open a ticket in http://hosted.fedoraproject.org/projects/packagedb when you have something you need done. 00:24:50 < knurd> | mmcgrath, I suppose "can#t test easily" and "fear long maintanance time" 00:24:56 < stahnma> | mmcgrath: I think missingdep is #1 00:24:59 < knurd> | abadger1999, will do, thx for your help 00:25:10 < knurd> | stahnma, yeah, that also 00:25:32 < mmcgrath> | missingdeps is a chicken and egg thing, but it will take care of itself over time (even if it is painfully slow) 00:25:35 * | knurd votes for moving on now 00:25:41 < knurd> | mmcgrath, +1 00:25:48 --> | sgarrity (sgarrity) has joined #fedora-meeting 00:26:01 --- | knurd has changed the topic to: EPEL Meeting -- Free discussion around EPEL 00:26:06 < knurd> | anything else to discuss? 00:26:21 < knurd> | my mail on "Meetings and mailiglists/decision finding process" maybe? 00:26:29 < knurd> | or shall we discuss it further on the list? 00:26:43 * | mmcgrath just wanted to say I think the EPEL community is pretty healthy right now, lots of people and packages being built and we're still very young. 00:27:04 < Jeff_S_> | I'm happy to try to do most communication on the list and then just finalize things in meetings -- that way we can speed through these faster :) 00:27:11 < knurd> | mmcgrath, kind of agreed, but there is still a lot to improve afaics 00:27:14 < Jeff_S_> | and we'll get more community input that way as well 00:27:16 < stahnma> | I liked the speed of today's meeting 00:27:20 < nirik> | yeah, I think we are in a period where there aren't too many decisions to be made... more maintainers needed more, etc. 00:27:32 < mmcgrath> | stahnma: and the number of people that showed up :) 00:27:38 < stahnma> | I suppose 00:27:42 < knurd> | stahnma, well, it does only work if stuff is discussed on the list first 00:27:47 < stahnma> | true 00:27:48 < knurd> | e.g. the details 00:27:50 < mmcgrath> | nirik: I guess thats a tribute to how good FESCo (and EPEL's general upstream) has been. 00:28:12 < nirik> | well, we don't have to worry about things like package guidelines, etc, they are all there upstream. ;) 00:28:38 < mmcgrath> | exactly 00:28:52 --> | _blah_ (purple) has joined #fedora-meeting 00:28:52 --> | _blah_ (purple) has joined #fedora-meeting 00:29:17 < knurd> | well, anything else? 00:29:24 * | mmcgrath has nothing 00:29:25 < knurd> | or shall we close the meeting for today? 00:29:26 --> | LetoTo (Paul Wouters) has joined #fedora-meeting 00:29:51 * | knurd will close the meeting in 60 00:29:52 < Jeff_S_> | nothing here 00:30:05 * | nirik has nothing either. 00:30:14 * | knurd will close the meeting in 30 00:30:34 * | knurd will close the meeting in 10 00:30:44 < knurd> | -- MARK -- Meeting end 00:30:44 --- | knurd has changed the topic to: Channel is used by various Fedora groups and committees for their regular meetings | Note that meetings often get logged | For questions about using Fedora please ask in #fedora | See http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicate/FedoraMeetingChannel for meeting schedule 00:30:49 < knurd> | thx everyone