The following Fedora EPEL 6 Security updates need testing: Age URL 469 python-virtualenv-12.0.7-1.el6 463 rubygem-crack-0.3.2-2.el6 394 nagios-4.0.8-1.el6 353 mcollective-2.8.4-1.el6 324 thttpd-2.25b-24.el6 210 vtun-3.0.1-10.el6 70 knot-1.6.8-1.el6 55 chicken-4.11.0-3.el6 27 jansson-2.9-1.el6 21 php-ZendFramework-1.12.20-1.el6 15 nodejs-0.10.47-2.el6
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora EPEL 6 updates-testing
GMT-4.5.15-1.el6 php-google-apiclient-1.1.7-2.el6 php-nette-database-2.3.10-1.el6
Details about builds:
================================================================================ GMT-4.5.15-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2016-13f39d7af6) Generic Mapping Tools -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Update to GMT 4.5.15: * gmt_map.c : Did not compute correct length of clip path for azimuth-elevation projection. * pscontour.c : Would crash if no contours were requested. * grdtrack.c : The -Z option did not deactivate -: for output. * surface.c : Critical bug in which the test to determine if a Cartesian data point is ���close��� to a node would find most points to be close and bypass the Briggs scheme. * mgd77/mgd77list.c : Can only use logical field tests on observed data columns. sph/sphinterpolate.c : Fix the vertical flipping under -Q0 mode. * gmt_plot.c : Fix issue # 662 with graph arrows for negative scales. Flipping the n/s sides array when lon and -y axes fixes issue #520. * gmt_support.c : Fix bug in jump near Dateline in gmt_inonout_sphpol_count, affecting inside/outside spherical cases, reported in message-2219. meca/psmeca.c : Was unable to read any value x and y coordinates. share/cpt/GMT_wysiwyg.cpt : Fix typo in blue for high end [Issue #689]. * gmt_bcr.c : Fixed problem with points slightly outside region causing an access violation; see issue #620. * gmt_map.c : The map region clip path for -JE/-Je was hardwired to a full circle and did not care about -R setting. When -R...r and -JE/-Je was given the search for enclosing geographic boundaries failed when either the S or N pole was the projection���s antipole. Rect clipping with -Rw/s/e/nr could introduce stray lines when dataset has features about 180 degrees away from the user���s area. Could run into trouble clipping polygons for non-periodic maps. Added more checks in GMT_wesn_clip. * gmt_plot.c : Left a PSL variable undefined when grdimage plotted a grid with x = longitude and y = Cartesian. * gmtmath.c : Fix the order of when input files and -C interact. * gmtselect.c : The -Fpolygon option might miss points because the io-machinery would sometimes set the min/max longitudes found incorrectly. The -Z option needed to pass records with NaNs. * grdfilter.c : Fix y-shifts when -I sets smaller output spacing (issue #616). * grdmath.c : Fix bug in grdmath���s KM2DEG operator. * psxy.c : Fixed wrap-around issue in fault lines. * psxyz.c : Fixed wrap-around issue in fault lines. * sample1d.c : Fix resampling for decreasing t values. * mgd77/mgd77sniffer.c : Needed to check that grid values used in decimate function also were within reasonable range. * x2sys/x2sys_solve.c : Fix problems that arise when a track has less crossovers than model parameters. * gmt_grdio.c : When building the grid command string it could exceed its maximum length if the argument became exactly the max length of the array; then the final extra zero character would be added and exceed array length. This was a rare occurrence. Thanks to Joachim Saul for pointing it out. * gmt_map.c : Protect against longitude wrap in the Haversine and Rudoe formulae for distances. Prevent integer overflow when calculating image array size. * gmt_plot.c : Grid crosses clipped by map boundary were badly reoriented. * gmt_proj.c : GMT_eckert4 and GMT_eckert6 did not increment iteration counter and could in rare situations get stuck in an infinite loop. * gmt_support.c : Allow GMT_crossover to deal with global wrapped data. * gmt_vector.c : Add protection against introduced longitude-jumps produced by resampling in GMT_fix_up_path. * grdlandmask.c : Failed to fill in some partial bins with no actual coastlines going through, in particular when crossing Greenwich. * grdmath.c : Operator SDIST used spherical calculations for geodesics and ellipsoidal calculations great circles (we want the opposite). Now returning distances in km. * grdvector.c : The new testing of -I arguments failed for some grids. Vector direction did not adjust when negative scales were used in -JX or -Jx. * ps2raster.c : Did not check if source and destination given to strcpy were the same; this was always undefined behavior that now triggers an exit. Also added better check on the return code from the system calls in case gs or gdal_translate return with an error. Finally, make sure that image references in KML files do not carry a directory name. * pscoast.c : The processing of -I and -N levels and pens could get out of sync so that the wrong pen was used for the specified feature. * pslib.c : Take superscripts and subscripts into account when determining dimensions of text box. Also auto-widen paragraph width if the widest word actually is wider that chosen paragraph width. * psxy.c : Vector direction did not adjust when negative scales were used in -JX or -Jx. * psxyz.c : Vector direction did not adjust when negative scales were used in -JX or -Jx. * mgd77/mgd77header.c : Fix selection of 10x10 degree identifiers. misc/gmt2kml.c : Make sure the default style IDs are unique for each process. x2sys/x2sys.c : Mishandled the assignment of segment number for each record. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ php-google-apiclient-1.1.7-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2016-a3fff824c2) Client library for Google APIs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Downgrade to 1.1.7 due to breaking API change -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1386167 - None --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ php-nette-database-2.3.10-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2016-2b5e8b2a54) Nette Database Component -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
**Version 2.3.10** * SqlPreprocessor: escapes primary value of IRow #144 * Selection: missing primary key can be FALSE, '0' or '' #145 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------