Hi folks!
I'm Kamila (with my usual online handle of Millie/milliectl) and I'm a sysadmin by day and homelabber by night based in Poland.
I've been interested in hardware and software since I was a kid, tinkering away and essentially 'making do' with whatever hardware I've had back then. And then I've found Fedora in a Polish computer-related magazine and everything changed :)
Fedora has been a massive source of influence for me and has essentially jumpstarted my
professional career in IT. As a teenager I was obviously unable to get my hands on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, which I'm administrating professionally today, but RHEL's base - Fedora - was all I needed and I think I finally feel confident enough in myself and my skills to contribute back to the Fedora Project. Naturally, this includes me improving my skills and meeting interesting people from whom I can learn more - I'm looking forward to it!
I'm currently restructuring some things in my homelab (which includes a short foray into RHEL derivatives and NixOS) so while I might not be running Fedora everywhere it's slowly coming back ;)
Outside of work and homelabbing I do enjoy retro computers with a particular focus on vintage/old Apple Macs.
I'm going to be honest - I'm not exactly sure how I can help the Fedora Project outright but I think I'll figure it out sooner or later. I have a lot of free time so I'm looking to dedicate at least 6 hours a week.
Working on Fedora sounds exciting!