I want to add a "blacklist" or "blocklist" that would allow me to add country codes (cn.zone for example) and also be able to add individual ip addresses.

I tried:
firewall-cmd --permanent --new-ipset=blacklist --type=hash:ip,port,net --option=family=inet --option=hashsize=4096 --option=maxelem=200000
firewall-cmd --reload

This did not give me an error until I tried to add  cn.zone

firewall-cmd --permanent --ipset=blacklist --add-entries-from-file=/root/install/country-codes/ipv4/cn.zone

I got:
}}}, {"add": {"rule": {"family": "ip6", "table": "firewalld", "chain": "nat_POST_public", "expr": [{"jump": {"target": "nat_POST_public_post"}}]}}}, {"insert": {"rule": {"family": "ip", "table": "firewalld", "chain": "nat_POSTROUTING_ZONES", "expr": [{"match": {"left": {"meta": {"key": "oifname"}}, "op": "==", "right": "ens3"}}, {"goto": {"target": "nat_POST_public"}}]}}}, {"insert": {"rule": {"family": "ip6", "table": "firewalld", "chain": "nat_POSTROUTING_ZONES", "expr": [{"match": {"left": {"meta": {"key": "oifname"}}, "op": "==", "right": "ens3"}}, {"goto": {"target": "nat_POST_public"}}]}}}, {"insert": {"rule": {"family": "inet", "table": "firewalld", "chain": "filter_INPUT_ZONES", "expr": [{"match": {"left": {"meta": {"key": "iifname"}}, "op": "==", "right": "ens3"}}, {"goto": {"target": "filter_IN_public"}}]}}}, {"insert": {"rule": {"family": "inet", "table": "firewalld", "chain": "filter_FORWARD_IN_ZONES", "expr": [{"match": {"left": {"meta": {"key": "iifname"}}, "op": "==", "right": "ens3"}}, {"goto": {"target": "filter_FWDI_public"}}]}}}, {"add": {"chain": {"family": "inet", "table": "firewalld", "name": "filter_FWDO_public"}}}, {"add": {"chain": {"family": "inet", "table": "firewalld", "name": "filter_FWDO_public_pre"}}}, {"add": {"chain": {"family": "inet", "table": "firewalld", "name": "filter_FWDO_public_log"}}}, {"add": {"chain": {"family": "inet", "table": "firewalld", "name": "filter_FWDO_public_deny"}}}, {"add": {"chain": {"family": "inet", "table": "firewalld", "name": "filter_FWDO_public_allow"}}}, {"add": {"chain": {"family": "inet", "table": "firewalld", "name": "filter_FWDO_public_post"}}}, {"add": {"rule": {"family": "inet", "table": "firewalld", "chain": "filter_FWDO_public", "expr": [{"jump": {"target": "filter_FWDO_public_pre"}}]}}}, {"add": {"rule": {"family": "inet", "table": "firewalld", "chain": "filter_FWDO_public", "expr": [{"jump": {"target": "filter_FWDO_public_log"}}]}}}, {"add": {"rule": {"family": "inet", "table": "firewalld", "chain": "filter_FWDO_public", "expr": [{"jump": {"target": "filter_FWDO_public_deny"}}]}}}, {"add": {"rule": {"family": "inet", "table": "firewalld", "chain": "filter_FWDO_public", "expr": [{"jump": {"target": "filter_FWDO_public_allow"}}]}}}, {"add": {"rule": {"family": "inet", "table": "firewalld", "chain": "filter_FWDO_public", "expr": [{"jump": {"target": "filter_FWDO_public_post"}}]}}}, {"insert": {"rule": {"family": "inet", "table": "firewalld", "chain": "filter_FORWARD_OUT_ZONES", "expr": [{"match": {"left": {"meta": {"key": "oifname"}}, "op": "==", "right": "ens3"}}, {"goto": {"target": "filter_FWDO_public"}}]}}}]}
Error: INVALID_IPSET: ipset type '' not usable

If I can't add ip, port and net at once, could someone tell me how I could add country codes as well as single ip addresses to blacklist or blocklist?