On Thu, Jun 27, 2024 at 04:22:05PM -0600, Nathanael Noblet wrote:
I think I misunderstood something about how firewalld works and need to make a change to some rules but I'm not sure how to go about it.
I have srv1 and srv2. Srv1 hosts a web/db etc. Srv2 is a DB replication server so it connects to srv1 and is replicating the DB there. To do so I created a zone db-access, I added the port and as well as a number of source ip address which should be allowed to connect to that port.
However, what that has resulted in is that srv2 can *only* connect to the srv1 on the db-access port. So ssh, web requests from srv2 to srv1 fail with no route to host while ping functions normally.
How was I supposed to setup the firewall so that by default everything goes through the public zone, however if you match the source IP you're also allowed additional ports?
You are correct that you have a fundamental misunderstanding.
Zones separate your network. Traffic goes to _one and only one_ zone. So when you did '--zone db-access --add-source=<addr of srv2>' you reassigned _all_ the traffic from srv2 to the db-access zone. srv2 traffic will not enter any other zone (including those that allow ssh).
You should read the concepts here:
Your use case is common. There are actually a few ways you can address it. I'll order them from easy to advanced.
1. add all the other services to the db-access zone
- e.g. 'firewall-cmd --permanent --zone db-access --add-service ssh'
2. use a rich rule
- remove the db-access zone - use a rich rule to give select access to a service to specific hosts - e.g. "firewall-cmd --permanent --add-rich-rule='rule family=ipv4 port port=1234 protocol=tcp source address= accept"
3. use a policy for your common services
- this is the most flexible but introduces new concepts (policy) - I won't give CLI examples, but the idea is that policies allow you to apply a policy (set of rules) to multiple situations, e.g. public zone --> host, and db-access zone --> host. - https://firewalld.org/2020/09/policy-objects-introduction