2016-02-06 18:34 GMT+01:00 Brian (bex) Exelbierd <bex@pobox.com>:
I got an email from someone who couldn't figure out to register using their FAS ID.  The Persona system doesn't make it obvious that you have to use <fas>@fedoraproject.org as the email address, even if that is an email address you don't normally think of as yours.

Perhaps we could clean this up?

Thank you.


flock-planning mailing list

Actually we are asking to login with persona and also point out fp.o email addresses, but also gmail.com or gnome.org are persona logins. When you login with your fp.o email address you will be redirected to the login we use for any application, through Ipsilon.
Is this still confusing? Not sure what we should write there instead of this:

"Hello, please login using Persona!

You can log in with your Persona Account or with a Persona provider — for example, a gnome.org, fedoraproject.org, or gmail.com account.

Thank you."

Robert Mayr