We're full of good news today! First of all, thanks to serious effort from Luke Macken, Kevin Fenzi, and María Leandro, among others, the Flock website is live:


Second, we've confirmed dates and our location:

Dates: August 9-12, 2013
Location: College of Charleston (Charleston, SC, USA)
Website: flocktofedora.org

Pre-registration is now open! (See the "Register" link on the website.) Please be sure to indicate when you register whether you need flight or hotel funding to attend. Priority will be given to Fedora contributors who are presenting (or leading a hackfest/workshop/sprint).

Third, with all of that in place, it's time to open the call for talks! Submissions should be for one of the following:
* Talk (45 minutes)
* Hackfest (2 hours)
* Workshop (2 hours)
* Sprint (2 hours)

You may submit as many topics as you feel qualified to deliver. Suggested topics include but are in no way limited to:
* Cloud
* Community
* Design
* Desktop
* Fedora Ambassadors
* Fonts
* Games
* Infrastructure
* Marketing
* Open hardware
* QA
* Security
* Special Interest Groups

Ready to submit a talk? Go to http://flock-lmacken.rhcloud.com/submit_proposal. All submissions must be received by May 31, 2013 at 11:59 p.m. ET.

Cheers, and see you there!
