Several of the League of Movable Type faces are mentioned on the Fonts Wishlist, with caveats that they should be built from source.
In this case, the source is VFB, FontLab's format. In order to go from here to OTF, we must apparently package RoboFab, according to the advice on the wiki pages, so we can export UFO using RoboFab, and feed this into FontForge.
However, I've just taken a look at RoboFab, and I can't see a way in which it can be used to export UFO from a VFB file without having FontLab installed. You can certainly go from TTF or Type 1 to UFO, but going from VFB requires that FontLab has already loaded the VFB.
Firstly, has anyone examined RoboFab more closely and can tell me that I'm missing something?
Or alternatively, would it be OK to package the TLOMT fonts with OTFs in their zips without going from source?
"PFW" == Paul Flo Williams writes:
PFW> However, I've just taken a look at RoboFab, and I can't see a way PFW> in which it can be used to export UFO from a VFB file without PFW> having FontLab installed ... going from VFB requires that FontLab PFW> has already loaded the VFB.
I reached the same conclusion about robofab vs vfb files some time ago.
Although I have not re-checked, I doubt that will ever change.
On 27 June 2010 13:35, James Cloos wrote:
I doubt that will ever change.
FontLab has said they will move to a file format based on UFO in the future. UFOv3 specs are being developed with this in mind, AFAIK.
"DC" == Dave Crossland writes:
DC> FontLab has said they will move to a file format based on UFO in the DC> future. UFOv3 specs are being developed with this in mind, AFAIK.
Cool. Good to know.
On 22 June 2010 15:36, Paul Flo Williams wrote:
Or alternatively, would it be OK to package the TLOMT fonts with OTFs in their zips without going from source?
I suggest that packagers contact the font developer and ask them to generate UFO sources that are equivalent to the VFBs.
The LOMT fonts are all pretty simple fonts, so what the "source" information in the VFBs actually _is_ is guides and background layers, I suspect. This can be contained in a UFO or SFD, afaik :-)