Le Jeu 29 novembre 2007 11:09, Hans de Goede a écrit :
Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
And here is the problem, when you write "the level of abuse we've seen from core font users lately" below, I guess you mean mainly me, and I apologize as I indeed have wrongly blamed the font SIG for the current breakage.
My aim was not to blame anyone, and while particularly excessive your reaction is fairly representative of the core font community so far. (ignore changes, let things rot, blame others when they finish breaking, and expect them to do the maintenance work in your stead).
However the above alinea starting at "Do not fall ..." is simply not acceptable, there are 2 and only 2 options here:
- Leave core font packages as they are, as that has worked well for
It hasn't worked well, the difference is that the magic fairies that kept them working finaly left after numerous warnings enough was enough, leaving the people who claimed there was no problem handle the whole core fonts mess (since no one else used them anymore).
Like every other component of the distribution core fonts need maintenance to keep working. The environment changes, if you want to freeze it just install a Fedora 1 to 7 system. One of the changes is a large group of users, OLPC, (that do actual work for the distro future unlike frozen-in-time legacy apps) requested making core fonts optional. Another is xfs was dumped. Yet another is the xorg version we use changed, and the new version does not register core font directories the same way. There are others I'm probably forgetting now.
As a result leaving things as they are is not an option. Install pre-fedora 8 core font packages in Fedora 8 and you'll see how well they work in a current environment.
Do you really want me to comment on your choice of (quoting) "the new guidelines are broken in that they do not offer a solution to the problem this creates, so I say ignore them until this bug in the guidelines gets fixed."?
(in other words intentionaly push the one solution you know conflicts so someone else gets to document and fix the stuff your minority is using)
Well I don't want to waste more time on this, my mail was addressed to people who are actually willing to do some work to restore core fonts to a maintained state. Please stand up. You'll get all the help the Fonts SIG can extend to help you make your beloved legacy apps work.
I apologise to the lists for the flame spillovers.