I gleamed this off of RIT Message Center. I thought it might be of interest to some people on this list.
-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: Student Government is hiring a Systems Administrator! Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2018 14:16:51 -0400 From: RIT Message Center msgctr@rit.edu To: msgctr@rit.edu
Student Government is experiencing a period of exciting growth and unprecedented engagement driven by a strong and growing suite of services. We depend on our Systems Administrator to maintain the infrastructure that the core of Student Government runs off of.
You will be working on the Student Government Services team, reporting to the Director of Services. Due to the collaborative nature of the position, consistency and strong business communication skills are critical to the success of services and Student Government.
We are looking systems administrators who will be available for, at least, the entire remainder of the fall 2018 and spring 2019 semesters of this academic year. *PLEASE APPLY HERE:* http://bit.ly/ritsgsysadmin If you have any questions, please email our Director of Services Gabe Landau at sgsvcs@rit.edu! mailto:sgsvcs@rit.edu! Sincerely, *Bobby Moakley* *Student Government President*
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