URL: https://github.com/freeipa/freeipa/pull/2060 Author: pvoborni Title: #2060: WebUI build update: use NodeJS instead of Rhino, use system UglifyJS, update Dojo Action: opened
PR body: """ ## WebUI build: replace uglifyjs with system package
UgligyJS is packaged in Fedora and other OSes it is no longer required to carry our own version. This will lower the maintenance burden - the code doesn't need to be updated and it is less code to have in repo.
On some configuration usage of the bundled UglifyJS 1 produces "JavaScript throw: java.lang.StackOverflowError" exception. Usage of more recent version should fix it.
## WebUI build: use NodeJS instead of Rhino
Rhino is no longer mainstream, nor is Nashorn. In addition it is quite slow (about 10x) in comparison to NodeJS. Over the years NodeJS became common part of OSes, thus one of the original reasons why use Rhino went away.
The change in 01-Make-dojo-builder-buildable-by-itself.patch fixes an incorrect change of the patch (it was not processing input options well).
Removing configRhino.js and adding configNode.js are prerequisites for Dojo Builder. These files are copied from Dojo project. Without them it doesn̈́'t run. In long run, it would be good to replace Dojo builder with something else but that is outside of this commit/PR.
Last changes are preparation for update to latest stable version of Dojo 1. The updated Dojo and Dojo builder are in subsequent commit.
## Update Dojo and Dojo builder to 1.13.0
This is a result of the previous commits. Building the Dojo builder was bit more complex as it was: 1. patched Dojo sources 2. built from Dojo builder sources. 3. moved to it's location in FreeIPA project 4. built by util/make-builder.sh (does minimazation and replaces itself)
Then Dojo layer is built by just: 1. util/make-dojo.sh
This process was documented some time ago at:
https://www.freeipa.org/page/V3/WebUI_build """
To pull the PR as Git branch: git remote add ghfreeipa https://github.com/freeipa/freeipa git fetch ghfreeipa pull/2060/head:pr2060 git checkout pr2060
URL: https://github.com/freeipa/freeipa/pull/2060 Author: pvoborni Title: #2060: WebUI build update: use NodeJS instead of Rhino, use system UglifyJS, update Dojo Action: closed
To pull the PR as Git branch: git remote add ghfreeipa https://github.com/freeipa/freeipa git fetch ghfreeipa pull/2060/head:pr2060 git checkout pr2060