For your information,
a couple of days ago, Standa has removed Fedora 27 packages from @freeipa/freeipa-master COPR. Yesterday I removed all stale packages that don't have F28 builds or already have the same or newer version available in Fedora 28.
The COPR repository is now down from 7 pages of packages to a single package,
On to, 14 kesä 2018, Christian Heimes via FreeIPA-devel wrote:
For your information,
a couple of days ago, Standa has removed Fedora 27 packages from @freeipa/freeipa-master COPR. Yesterday I removed all stale packages that don't have F28 builds or already have the same or newer version available in Fedora 28.
The COPR repository is now down from 7 pages of packages to a single package,
Great! Thanks for the effort of keeping our downstreams up to date!