Hmm. My setup had the employeenumber not checked in the permissions for that role. It's working now.

On April 20, 2022 11:24:53 AM EDT, Rob Crittenden <> wrote:
Jim Kinney via FreeIPA-users wrote:
I need to compare a number stored on CAC with the one in employeenumber
in IdM. I have a non-admin bind user for this and other generic LDAP
data access for 3rd party needs. But only the Directory Manager can pull
that field.

Is there a permission setting to allow a system account to access that
field? The account was created using the method from redhat solutions

Any authenticated user can read it per the permission "System: Read User
Addressbook Attributes".

There is definitely not something specific to the DM. A kinit should
allow it as well:

ldapsearch -LLLQ -Y GSSAPI -b cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=test

A bind user works for me.


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