What version of 389-ds-base is installed?  There were bugs around csn location that were fixed in the very latest version of the LDAP server on RHEL 7.9.  So make sure you are running the latest version of 389-ds-base.

As for replication being broken, you can confirm this by making a "dummy" change somewhere and checking if that change is present on the other replicas (give it some time to replicate of course, but it shouldn't take more than a few seconds).

As for re-initializing just make sure you are initing from the most current/accurate replica.



On 2/8/24 9:06 AM, Natxo Asenjo via FreeIPA-users wrote:

we are having some trouble with our rhel 7 to rhel 8 migration and after checking some things, it became apparent the replication is mostly broken among the idm servers

I see in the errors:

agmt=%s(%s:%d): Can't locate CSN %s in the changelog (DB rc=%d). The consumer may need to be reinitialized

According to this:

Reason: Most likely the changelog was recreated because of the disk is full or the server ungracefully shutdown.

/var/log on this hosts was full recently, so this could have caused this indeed.

I also see:

ERR - NSMMReplicationPlugin - send_updates - .... : data required to update replica has been purged from the changelog, if the error persists the replica must be reinitialized.

This is pretty clear.

So this server is the ca master.

The domain level is 1.

The rhel version is right now 7.9.

If I reinitialize this server with the ca role (master), with other server, will it overwrite the CA?


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