The previous error_log I attached was already created with log level = 100. I've tried to run the command again and attached the log file again but it seems to be pretty much the same.

On Fri, Aug 4, 2017 at 4:55 PM Alexander Bokovoy <> wrote:
On pe, 04 elo 2017, Yuri Moens via FreeIPA-users wrote:
>I'm currently trying to setup a trust between IPA and Samba AD but I keep
>running into some issues.
>IPA is running on CentOS 7
>VERSION: 4.4.0, API_VERSION: 2.213
>, Netbios CLOUD, domain cloud.ymo.lab
>Samba is running on CentOS7
>Version 4.6.6
>, Netbios WIN, domain win.ymo.lab
>Both are fresh installs. Samba is running Bind DLZ as DNS backend. DNS
>forwarding is working correctly.
>[root@ipa01 ~]# dig +short srv _ldap._tcp.{cloud,win}.ymo.lab
>0 100 389
>0 100 389
>[root@ipa01 ~]# dig +short {cloud,win}.ymo.lab
>[root@dc01 bin]# dig +short srv _ldap._tcp.{cloud,win}.ymo.lab
>0 100 389
>0 100 389
>[root@dc01 bin]# dig +short {cloud,win}.ymo.lab
>I'm currently stuck on adding the trust:
>[root@ipa01 ~]# ipa trust-add --type=ad win.ymo.lab --admin Administrator
>--password --two-way=true
>Active Directory domain administrator's password:
>ipa: ERROR: CIFS server communication error: code "1315", message
>"WERR_INVALID_ACCOUNT_NAME" (both may be "None")
>I've attached the /var/log/httpd/error_log on the IPA side and the output
>of Samba running with debug level 7.
>Does anyone know how I can get past this?
There are currently known bugs in Samba AD in using wrong salt for TDO
account. At least for Samba 4.7.0 release candidates one can establish
trust but it will fail to work.

Your issue looks a bit different though. Add
  log level = 100

to /usr/share/ipa/smb.conf.empty and re-try 'ipa trust-add ..'

In /var/log/httpd/error_log you'll get debug log of what IPA side sees
when talking to AD DCs and to a local smbd instance. Show those logs.

/ Alexander Bokovoy