I have the following problem, maybe one of you has a solution and can tell me where to look to solve the problem.
Here on site I have two Raspberry Pi 4, one Fedora 39 and one Fedora 41 Server Beta, both equipped with the latest Freeipa packages. Both have identical IPA versions installed:
“ssh ipa1 -t ipa --version VERSION: 4.12.1, API_VERSION: 2.254 Connection to ipa1 closed.”
“ssh ipa9 -t ipa --version VERSION: 4.12.1, API_VERSION: 2.254 Connection to ipa9 closed.”
Replication from ipa1 to ipa9 with : “ipa-replica-install --setup-ca --setup-kra --setup-dns --forwarder= --setup-adtrust --add-agents” works fine, an ‘ipa-replica-manage re-initialize --from ipa1.linux.schnell.er" also works, I can also access via the web frontend. After a reboot of ipa9 does not work anymore, I get the following error message: “ipa-replica-manage re-initialize --from ipa1.linux.schnell.er Re-run /usr/sbin/ipa-replica-manage with --verbose option to get more information Unexpected error: cannot connect to 'ldaps://ipa9.linux.schnell.er:636': error:0A000086:SSL routines::certificate verify failed (certificate is not yet valid)”
I then installed Fedora41 Server Beta again to rule out an error, but that didn't help. What I do not understand, it is a “fresh” installation and after a reboot or restart of Fedora 41 nothing works anymore :(
Am I doing something wrong?
Kind regards Dirk