Running FreeIPA 4.7.1, on CentOS 8, I configured IPA-server to use smartcard login follwoing

I configured a CentOS 8 machine to use smartcard-login. After configuring the IPA-client, running the scripts produced by ipa-advise will show an error:

./ /etc/ipa/ca.crt
ERROR: Failed to add module "OpenSC". Probable cause : "Unknown PKCS #11 error.".
Systemwide CA database updated.
Systemwide CA database updated.
The ipa-certupdate command was successful

Logging in a Yubikey 5 works fine. The error is caused by this line:

echo "" | modutil -dbdir /etc/pki/nssdb -add "OpenSC" -libfile /usr/lib64/

Now, what going on here and can this error really be ignored?
Is it worth  to create a Bugzilla?

Same error also aoocurs on a fresh RHEL 8.1 machine.
