
On Wed, Jun 19, 2024 at 3:32 AM Jeremy Utley via FreeIPA-users <freeipa-users@lists.fedorahosted.org> wrote:
Hello Everyone!

We have a pair of IPA servers running under CentOS 7 (I know, EOL is approaching, and we are working on migrating!).  When we applied the latest patches this morning, the new bind packages were causing named-pkcs11 to core dump during ipa-server-upgrade.  The new package versions were:


the versions are the right ones.
I wasn't able to reproduce the crash on RHEL 7.9 but was able to reproduce on CentOS 7. Maybe the centos 7 packages weren't rebuilt properly, but since c7 is reaching EOL at the end of the month, I doubt you would get a fix. You can try to report the issue or just avoid applying the updates.


The error we saw is almost identical to what is documented at:


for RHEL8/9, but the recommended fixes did not help.

We rolled our installation back to the previous bind packages and everything works again.  I don't think there's anyplace remaining to submit CentOS 7 bug reports, and I'm also not sure if this same issue would impact the remaining RHEL 7 installs, since we have no RHEL licensing.  So I thought I would put it out on here, so at least others are aware of the issue!
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