We set roleContextDN to cn=nnmi-access


And it still barfs, but I found stuff in the access log file: (redacted a bit)


[06/Dec/2019:12:49:18.055641820 +0000] conn=2805 fd=110 slot=110 connection from NNMi-Server to IdM-Server

[06/Dec/2019:12:49:18.055983514 +0000] conn=2805 op=0 BIND dn="" method=128 version=3

[06/Dec/2019:12:49:18.056068589 +0000] conn=2805 op=0 RESULT err=0 tag=97 nentries=0 etime=0.0000264910 dn=""

[06/Dec/2019:12:49:18.060407586 +0000] conn=2805 op=1 SRCH base="cn=users,cn=compat,dc=lab,dc=PROJECT,dc=EXAMPLE,dc=ORG" scope=2 filter="(uid=USER)" attrs="distinguishedName"

[06/Dec/2019:12:49:18.060803785 +0000] conn=2805 op=1 RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=1 etime=0.0000453635

[06/Dec/2019:12:49:18.061436537 +0000] conn=2806 fd=125 slot=125 connection from NNMi-Server to IdM-Server

[06/Dec/2019:12:49:18.061707766 +0000] conn=2806 op=0 BIND dn="" method=128 version=3

[06/Dec/2019:12:49:18.061784637 +0000] conn=2806 op=0 RESULT err=0 tag=97 nentries=0 etime=0.0000187246 dn=""

[06/Dec/2019:12:49:18.066780892 +0000] conn=2806 op=1 SRCH base="cn=users,cn=compat,dc=lab,dc=PROJECT,dc=EXAMPLE,dc=ORG" scope=2 filter="(uid=USER)" attrs="distinguishedName"

[06/Dec/2019:12:49:18.067161659 +0000] conn=2806 op=1 RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=1 etime=0.0000428881

[06/Dec/2019:12:49:18.067812476 +0000] conn=2807 fd=128 slot=128 connection from NNMi-Server to IdM-Server

[06/Dec/2019:12:49:18.068098286 +0000] conn=2807 op=0 BIND dn="" method=128 version=3

[06/Dec/2019:12:49:18.068165707 +0000] conn=2807 op=0 RESULT err=0 tag=97 nentries=0 etime=0.0000161713 dn=""

[06/Dec/2019:12:49:18.071528890 +0000] conn=2807 op=1 SRCH base="cn=nnmi_access" scope=2 filter="(member=uid=USER,cn=users,cn=compat,dc=lab,dc=PROJECT,dc=EXAMPLE,dc=ORG)" attrs="1.1"

[06/Dec/2019:12:49:18.071562192 +0000] conn=2807 op=1 RESULT err=32 tag=101 nentries=0 etime=0.0000074662

[06/Dec/2019:12:49:18.072926385 +0000] conn=2807 op=2 SRCH base="cn=nnmi_access" scope=2 filter="(groupmember=uid=USER,cn=users,cn=compat,dc=lab,dc=PROJECT,dc=EXAMPLE,dc=ORG)" attrs="1.1"

[06/Dec/2019:12:49:18.072953042 +0000] conn=2807 op=2 RESULT err=32 tag=101 nentries=0 etime=0.0000067911

[06/Dec/2019:12:49:18.074036480 +0000] conn=2807 op=3 UNBIND

[06/Dec/2019:12:49:18.074048223 +0000] conn=2807 op=3 fd=128 closed - U1


This is what popped up in the access log this command was run on the NNMi server:


       nnmldap.ovpl -diagnose USER


The output from the command is:



=     Configuration


Diagnosing LDAP connectivity for user USER

Using LDAP configuration file <path to nms-auth-config.xml>



=     Found User Distinguished Name: "uid=USER,cn=users,cn=compat,dc=lab,dc=PROJECT,dc=EXAMPLE,dc=ORG"



!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOTE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!  No LDAP groups found for this User Distinguished Name.




!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOTE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!  LDAP Appears to be Misconfigured. See above for more information.



Also, in nms-auth-config.xml,


Container element to include all user configuration details.


Container element to include the configuration information for searching users.



For example:

<base> SAMAccountName={0} </base>.

<base> uid={0} </base>




For Active Directory, specify the portion of the directory service domain that stores user records. For example:

For Active Directory


For other LDAP technologies





base is set to "uid=(0)"

and baseContextDN is set to "cn=users,cn=compat,dc=lab,dc=PROJECT,dc=EXAMPLE,dc=ORG"


A simple ldapsearch for "uid=USER" returns a boatload of info with many "memberOf" lines including


memberOf: cn=nnmi_access,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=lab,dc=PROJECT,dc=EXAMPLE,dc=ORG


Does this shed any light on the dilemma ?



Daniel E. White

NICS Linux Engineer
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
8800 Greenbelt Road
Building 14, Room E175
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Office: (301) 286-6919

Mobile: (240) 513-5290


From: Rob Crittenden <rcritten@redhat.com>
Date: Thursday, December 5, 2019 at 14:31
To: Daniel White <daniel.e.white@nasa.gov>, FreeIPA users list <freeipa-users@lists.fedorahosted.org>
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: [Freeipa-users] Anyone using FreeIPA/IdM and MicroFocus Network Automation ?


White, Daniel E. (GSFC-770.0)[NICS] wrote:

Thanks, Rob.


I will give it a try.


I made a posix group to use for application access - call it "nnmi_access"


I can ldapsearch using


(&(objectclass=groupofnames)(cn=nnmi_access)) member


and get back the members of the group like this:

member:  uid=foobar,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=…


So then the roleBase is "member". but what should the roleContextDN be ? 

Maybe   cn-nnmi-access,cn=groups,…,dc=…   ?


That's the way I read their docs as well. I guess it won't hurt trying.

