Hello All

I have follow the step from stepes from Freeipa web + Redhat to prepare the replicat by commands :
DNS+Reverse :  OK
On IPA Master : ipa-replica-prepare --password=XXXXX replicat.example.com
Scp the Gpg file from the Master to slave/replicat  as root to /var/lib/ipa
On IPA Replicat : ipa-replica-install --password=XXXXX /var/lib/ipa/replica-fil.gpg --setup-kra --setup-ca --setup-dns --no-forwarders

After several secondes, the installation stop on stage :
[1/28] Configuring centificat server instaance

The first ERROR line: ipaserver.install.dogtaginstance: CRITICAL Failed to configure CA instance: Command '/usr/sbin/pkispanw -s CA -f /tmp/tmMg7KE' returned non-zero exist statut 1
The second ERROR line: ipaserver.install.dogtaginstance: CRITICAL See installation....

The third ERROR line : ipaserver.install.dogtaginstance:CRITICAL
     [error] RuntimeError: CA configuration failed.

My IPA Master was in Centos 7.3 IPA:v4.5.0
The replica server in Centos 7.6 IPA:v4.6.4

Can you help to resolve this pb ?


Mr Karim Bourenane