We communication openstack server with Freeipa server successfull.
We a image setting ipa-client install then using a yaml file.
- hostnamectl set-hostname $(hostname).5ghvl.local
- ipa-client-install --principal admin --password 'xxxxx' --domain 5ghvl.local --server example.5ghvl.local --unattended
#server create;
openstack server create --flavor m1.tiny --config-drive true --availability-zone zonecp2 --image ipa_deneme_imaje --nic net-id=net1man --wait ipa_deneme --user-data /home/stack/deneme.yaml
But we don't want a user deneme.yaml config see.Because config file have freeipa server password.We want use to a Open Tools for communication Openstack server with Freeipa server.
Could you please help me?Are you use to Open tools which?
Best Regards,