the issue with "dsconf <instance_name> plugin entryuuid fixup" is a known issue, see BugĀ 2036672 - Based on 1944494 (RFC 4530 entryUUID attribute) - plugin entryuuid failing


On Thu, Jan 27, 2022 at 5:53 AM Edward Valley via FreeIPA-users <freeipa-users@lists.fedorahosted.org> wrote:

I realized that only users created after certain date has an entryUUID attribute, so query results are not confusing anymore, and as I can see it now, in the process of hiding private information, my first post is somehow misleading. Sorry about that.

From the dnf logs on my system, I can see that date matches the date 389-ds-base was upgraded from 389-ds-base- to 389-ds-base-, so I can guess the entryUUID plugin was included in Rocky Linux 8.4, and probably RHEL 8.4, around that time, although RHEL specify it as a new feature for release 8.5.

RHEL 8.5 release notes, say we must run the following command to manualy add it to existing entries:
# dsconf <instance_name> plugin entryuuid fixup
But it doesn't currently work on my system.
I'll provide feedback once I figure it out.

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