
what is the version of your server? I am asking because of the log:
2024-02-20T09:59:52Z DEBUG args=['/usr/sbin/ipa-join', '-s', 'ipa.dom.loc', '-b', 'dc=dom,dc=loc', '-h', 'centos9.dom.loc', '-k', '/etc/krb5.keytab']
2024-02-20T09:59:53Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=0
2024-02-20T09:59:53Z DEBUG stdout=
2024-02-20T09:59:53Z DEBUG stderr=Failed to parse result: Failed to decode GetKeytab Control.
Retrying with pre-4.0 keytab retrieval method...
Failed to retrieve encryption type AES-256 CTS mode with 96-bit SHA-1 HMAC (#18)
Failed to retrieve encryption type AES-128 CTS mode with 96-bit SHA-1 HMAC (#17)
Keytab successfully retrieved and stored in: /etc/krb5.keytab


On Tue, Feb 20, 2024 at 12:57 PM Dmitry Krasov via FreeIPA-users <freeipa-users@lists.fedorahosted.org> wrote:
and tell me please, how to install ipa-client from git (step by step instructions will be better)?
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