
I am managing now to install a replica, but I am facing these issues, and feel things are not working as it should, as changes in one replica are not replicating on the others.

I am getting this when installing the replica: 

Replica DNS records could not be added on master: Insufficient access: Insufficient 'add' privilege to add the entry 'idnsname=freeipa02,idnsname=francis.local.,cn=dns,dc=ipa,dc=med-lo’ 

This, together with "Lookup failed: Preferred host freeipa02.francis.local does not provide DNS.” and with "Lookup failed: Preferred host freeipa02.francis.local does not provide CA.” , are really preventing me to install a problem-free replica.

Any clues on how to solve it? I tried this: https://access.redhat.com/solutions/4094761 but it didn’t help.

