Hi list,

We recenlty upgraded our IPA environment from EL7.9 to EL8.5. And now we are testing out the new Member Manager feature.

Adding a usergroup (example: "role-groupmanager") as a MemberManager for another group (example: "role-usergroup-A") yields an error message when the user member of the "role-groupmanager group (example: “thorleif”)  attempts to add/remove users from the group "role-usergroup-A”: 

"Insufficient access: Insufficient 'write' privilege to the 'member' attribute of entry"

If I add the user “thorleif” directly as a MemberManager of the group "role-usergroup-A”, allows him to successfully add and remove users from the group "role-usergroup-A”.

I presume this is a bug? Is there a known BZ for this or do you need me to open one?
