Hello all,

I wanted to migrate my old el8 freeipa server to el9.

So I installed a new system with el9 and configured a replica on it.

After this was completed I ran ipa-healthcheck on the new el9 replica and all was well.

However after this I ran ipa-healthcheck on the old el8 ipa server and I got the following error.
Internal server error 'Link'
   "source": "pki.server.healthcheck.clones.connectivity_and_data",
   "check": "ClonesConnectivyAndDataCheck",
   "result": "ERROR",
   "uuid": "5aea196e-1693-4c14-93c5-649286c8ef7f",
   "when": "20230117082651Z",
   "duration": "0.402024",
   "kw": {
     "status": "ERROR:  pki-tomcat : Internal error testing CA clone. Host: freeipa01.tjako.thuis Port: 443"

I double checked the firewall and all ports were open on the el9 server
firewall-cmd --list-all
public (active)
 target: default
 icmp-block-inversion: no
 interfaces: br0 enp1s0
 services: cockpit dhcpv6-client dns freeipa-ldap freeipa-ldaps http https ntp ssh
 forward: yes
 masquerade: no
 rich rules:

On the el9 server ipa-healthcheck yields no errors and ipactl status shows everything is

Anybody know why the old el8 server fails the ipa-healthcheck ?
