As I understood the devs the only option would be an all-in-one container as splitting up the components would introduce several challenges that would need to be solved. And everything in one container is exactly the opposite what a container should be...

So... we do not consider the current container solution as ready for production.


Am 17. August 2023 11:20:22 MESZ schrieb Jonas R via FreeIPA-users <>:
Hello all,
we have setup a test system with FreeIPA running on a docker (swarm) host and are very happy with the tool. Now we are moving forward towards the planning for implementation and considering wthether to run in in Containers or VMs.

On the FreeIPA website it says "the team also maintains PoC container release of FreeIPA". That's why I am wondering, if running FreeIPA in containers is generally considered as something for testing environments or PoC, but not for production. Are there any experiences running it in containers for production? Or is everybody using bare metal/VMs? We are planning an environment with 40-50 clients on one site.

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