Hello All,

I was wondering if anyone has written a health check script for FreeIPA?

How do you all check replication (and IPA server health)?

I did some digging and know that I can run this command to check replication:

ldapsearch -D "cn=directory manager" -W -b "o=ipaca" "(&(objectclass=nstombstone)(nsUniqueId=ffffffff-ffffffff-ffffffff-ffffffff))" nscpentrywsi

But the output didn't show an error:


nscpentrywsi: nsDS5ReplicaId: 96
nscpentrywsi: nsds50ruv: {replica 96 ldap://ns01.dev.example.net:389} 5711
 528b000000600000 599444dd000000600000
nscpentrywsi: nsds50ruv: {replica 97 ldap://ns02.dev.example.net:389} 5711
 529d000000610000 58deae97000500610000


nscpentrywsi: nsDS5ReplicaId: 97
nscpentrywsi: nsds50ruv: {replica 97 ldap://ns02.dev.example.net:389} 5711
 529d000000610000 58deae97000500610000
nscpentrywsi: nsds50ruv: {replica 96 ldap://ns01.dev.example.net:389} 5711
 528b000000600000 595a8aff000100600000

But running this showed a difference:

[root@ns02 ~]# ipa user-find example
0 users matched
Number of entries returned 0

[root@ns01 ~]# ipa user-find example
1 user matched
  User login: example
... extra lines removed ...
Number of entries returned 1

(running "ipa-replica-manage -v re-initialize --from ns01.dev.example.net" and then "ipa-csreplica-manage -v re-initialize --from ns01.dev.example.net" did fix the error, but I wasn't certain "why" it worked)

Which log files on my two hosts should I be looking at to find out if there's an error in IPA?

Normally I'd run a script and then, depending on the exit code, I'd use "zabbix_sender" to push a status code to my monitoring system.  Does anyone else do something like that?

Sorry if this is a FAQ, I have a lot of freeipa-users in my gmail account and searched for a bunch of terms, but I could have missed something.

Thanks for any help on this, I'm very puzzled both on the health monitoring and the replication issue.
