I have seen more threats like this but not exactly this topic.
I am setting up an IPA server in a existing internal domain on a B-class network range . I have already a DNS server running for this domain, but it holds only a C-class network range. I tried to setup the IPA server with the "ipa-server-install --setup-dns --no-forwarders --auto-reverse --allow-zone-overlap" options but this does not work and results in the disability to create PTR records for any network range in my domain. + it than needs the existing DNS server as forwarder to be able to resolve global addresses.
I intent to install the IPA server as qualified DNS server for my domain , next to the existing DNS server and when setup, decommission the existing DNS server.
Any help would be appreciated
Thanks. Rob.
I solved this , by omitting the --auto-reverse option.
I than had to manually take care of the DNS entries of both servers so they did not conflict. Not a nice solution, but it helped me in this case.