Just took a look at all the things that I have to do this FUDCon and relized
that my hackfest time is going to be largely meetings and largely filled up
already. One that hasn't been pre-arranged but we really should have --
We're flying a lot of latam ambassadors in this time around so they can help
see FUDCon NA and carry ideas from that back to the planning forFUDCon
Panama. It would be great if we could get the FUDCon Tempe Organizers and
the Latam Ambassadors together for a meeting at some point. Maybe if
there's a wrap up session planned, having this be an additional hour at the
same meeting would be good. or maybe having it at a different time will
save the Tempe Organizers from burnout :-)
Some things that would be good to over are:
* Estimates of how much time was put into getting making FUDCon Tempe.
* Information about how much manpower came from the local organizers vs how
much was done remotely.
* Tips and strategies for staying on schedule and on budget.
* Question and answer about the actual events that were held (barcamp,
hackfest, fudpub) and ideas and concerns about what logistics make them
Dennis Gilmore could also give an update on how planning for FUDCon Panama
is currently going and any observations about what's needed to make sure
that that event comes out as well as this one.