Hi everyone,

Was hoping to get a bit of help with finishing/filling in / translating this letter for Cusco - the text is below, but I am not sure how formal we need to be with the university sponsor. I understand that I have about a half-page and I'm not sure what size the font will be offhand, etc. Hopefully this will work out.

Welcome to FUDCon Cuzco!

I am happy that you are able to meet up with the Fedora Project community here in Cuzco, Peru.  The Fedora Project would like to thank our venue, (University name and not sure how much detail is needed - school contact or other name as well?) for their generous help in making this event possible.

A FUDCon is always a learning opportunity, and I hope that you will learn much during your time here. Please take the time to meet your fellow conference attendees and Fedora Project contributors; the social relationships we build at FUDCon help to make the Fedora Project and the local community even better places to spread the ideals of open source.  Sharing what you have learned and experienced is key, and writing, microblogging, or discussions in IRC help to spread the experience not just amongst the attendees, but also with Fedora Project contributors around the world.

The Fedora Project would also like to thank our other sponsors for this event, including BlueHost, (Other sponsors), and the Fedora Project's primary sponsor, Red Hat, for their generous sponsorship of this event.

I trust that everyone will have a fulfilling, exciting FUDCon experience. Our local planning committee has worked hard on this event, so let's do our part to make this a fantastic community event.

-Robyn Bergeron, Fedora Project Leader