Is he alive?

On 23 May 2016 23:27, "fudcon-planning" <> wrote:
#655: Funding request for somvannda to FAD APAC 2015 in Singapore
 Reporter:  somvannda    |       Owner:  izhar
     Type:  Funding      |      Status:  new
  request                |   Milestone:  FUDCon Pune 2015: Travel subsidies
 Priority:  normal       |  decided
Component:  FUDCon Pune  |  Resolution:
  2015                   |  Blocked By:
 Keywords:  approved     |
 Blocking:               |

Comment (by tuanta):

 Replying to [comment:11 izhar]:
 > any update on this ticket? .. i cant reimburse myself without an event

 We must keep pinging him until all requirements [1] are met.


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