#8: Funding request for Hiemanshu Sharma -------------------------------+-------------------------------------------- Reporter: hiemanshu | Owner: somebody Type: Funding request | Status: new Priority: blocker | Milestone: Tempe 2011: Travel subisides complete Component: FUDCon Tempe 2011 | Resolution: Keywords: | -------------------------------+-------------------------------------------- Changes (by pfrields):
* cc: mspevack (added)
http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fudcon- planning/2010-08-25/fudcon_subsidies.2010-08-25-18.01.html
Approved for airfare (to be paid from Community Architecture's general fund), and 4 nights hotel with a roommate (to be paid from FUDCon budget). If your situation changes, just reopen this ticket with details.
Please contact me on IRC or email to arrange the airfare.