#407: Funding request for Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues - FUDCon Lawrence 2013 (Hotel) -------------------------+------------------------------------------------- Reporter: lmr | Owner: ianweller Type: Funding | Status: new request | Milestone: Security FAD: Travel Purchase Priority: normal | Requests Component: FUDCon | Keywords: Lawrence 2013 | Blocking: Blocked By: | -------------------------+------------------------------------------------- Please set the "Component" below to the correct event for your request.
Tell us the following:
* What do you need covered?
Hotel, ~180 USD, as my department (KVM team) already covered airfare. I have already a room mate (John Dulaney).
* What will you accomplish by being at FUDCon?
I'll work with AutoQA folks on their autotest requests, and also help the KVM package maintainer (Cole Robinson) to set up daily testing for the Fedora KVM packages, just the way we do with RHEL. I'd like to present about autotest packaged in Fedora, an effort that started at FUDCon Tempe 2011 and finally is dobe.
#407: Funding request for Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues - FUDCon Lawrence 2013 (Hotel) -------------------------+------------------------------------------------- Reporter: lmr | Owner: ianweller Type: Funding | Status: new request | Milestone: Lawrence 2013: Travel Subsidies Priority: normal | Requested Component: FUDCon | Resolution: Lawrence 2013 | Blocked By: Keywords: | Blocking: | -------------------------+------------------------------------------------- Changes (by rbergero):
* milestone: Security FAD: Travel Purchase Requests => Lawrence 2013: Travel Subsidies Requested
Moving to request list for FUDCon Lawrence.
#407: Funding request for Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues - FUDCon Lawrence 2013 (Hotel) -------------------------+------------------------------------------------- Reporter: lmr | Owner: ianweller Type: Funding | Status: new request | Milestone: Lawrence 2013: Travel Subsidies Priority: normal | Granted Component: FUDCon | Resolution: Lawrence 2013 | Blocked By: Keywords: | Blocking: | -------------------------+------------------------------------------------- Changes (by ianweller):
* milestone: Lawrence 2013: Travel Subsidies Requested => Lawrence 2013: Travel Subsidies Granted
http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fudcon-planning/2012-12-21/fudcon- planning.2012-12-21-18.01.html
Please book your hotel today!
#407: Funding request for Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues - FUDCon Lawrence 2013 (Hotel) -------------------------+------------------------------------------------- Reporter: lmr | Owner: ianweller Type: Funding | Status: closed request | Milestone: Lawrence 2013: Travel Subsidies Priority: normal | Granted Component: FUDCon | Resolution: invalid Lawrence 2013 | Blocked By: Keywords: | Blocking: | -------------------------+------------------------------------------------- Changes (by pfrields):
* status: new => closed * resolution: => invalid
This ticket is being closed because the FUDCon event to which it applies already happened. If this is an error, please accept my apologies, and feel free to reopen the ticket.