Hey all. now that the new year is here and we have under 5 months until FUDCon LATAM. we need to have regular meetings to go over everything.
does Fridays at 18:00:00 UTC work for everyone?
It is Ok with me, thanks to send this email Dennis.
On Mon, 2011-01-03 at 22:13 -0600, Dennis Gilmore wrote:
Hey all. now that the new year is here and we have under 5 months until FUDCon LATAM. we need to have regular meetings to go over everything.
does Fridays at 18:00:00 UTC work for everyone?
Dennis _______________________________________________ fudcon-planning mailing list fudcon-planning@lists.fedoraproject.org https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/fudcon-planning
Em Ter, 2011-01-04 às 07:26 -0500, Alejandro Pérez escreveu:
It is Ok with me, thanks to send this email Dennis.
On Mon, 2011-01-03 at 22:13 -0600, Dennis Gilmore wrote:
Hey all. now that the new year is here and we have under 5 months until FUDCon LATAM. we need to have regular meetings to go over everything.
does Fridays at 18:00:00 UTC work for everyone?
It is ok for me too. I'll send a reminder to the LATAM mailing list later this week.
See you guys there!
On 03/01/11 23:43, Dennis Gilmore wrote:
Hey all. now that the new year is here and we have under 5 months until FUDCon LATAM. we need to have regular meetings to go over everything.
does Fridays at 18:00:00 UTC work for everyone?
fudcon-planning mailing list fudcon-planning@lists.fedoraproject.org https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/fudcon-planning
could be better at 18:30 UTC :) (my half hour is needed for lunch)
if not ... 18:00 UTC is ok...
On 01/04/2011 01:13 AM, Dennis Gilmore wrote:
Hey all. now that the new year is here and we have under 5 months until FUDCon LATAM. we need to have regular meetings to go over everything.
does Fridays at 18:00:00 UTC work for everyone?
fudcon-planning mailing list fudcon-planning@lists.fedoraproject.org https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/fudcon-planning
-- Antonio Sebastián Sallés M. Fedora Ambassador, Chile mobile: +56-9-8281-7161
Hey guys,
If it isn't inconvenient for the group and not conflict with another meeting, the FUDCon LATAM meeting can be changed to Tuesdays 18:00 UTC?
2011/1/4 Antonio Sallés antonio@salles.cl
On 01/04/2011 01:13 AM, Dennis Gilmore wrote:
Hey all. now that the new year is here and we have under 5 months until FUDCon LATAM. we need to have regular meetings to go over everything.
does Fridays at 18:00:00 UTC work for everyone?
fudcon-planning mailing list fudcon-planning@lists.fedoraproject.org https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/fudcon-planning
-- Antonio Sebastián Sallés M. Fedora Ambassador, Chile mobile: +56-9-8281-7161 _______________________________________________ fudcon-planning mailing list fudcon-planning@lists.fedoraproject.org https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/fudcon-planning
First, sorry for delay on this report.
Status FUDcon Panama
Ciudad del Saber (Sponsor) Will sponsor space and infrastructure, conference center room for 150-200 people for the first day, 2 rooms of 50 people each for the next 2 days, dgilmore request that we need 2 more rooms or at least one more. This will be talk with them, probably we will get them.
Taca air plane (Sponsor) They send aeperezt the discount code. I some one require please ask.
Dell Panama (Sponsor) Dell Panama has agree to sponsor the fudcon, it has not say how yeat meeting on Jan 12 has been agreed.
Universidad Tecnologica de Panama (Sponsor) They will sponsor printed material by February will have the first poster.
Design group Hacks (Juan Barba) from design team (Fedora Panama group) is working all FUDcon Panama arts tickets on design group has been requested. Arts works can be see here https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Xhaksx t-shirt design still to be define but draft can bee seen here http://xhaksx.fedorapeople.org/to_aeperezt/
Marketing talks were started after this meeting.
Pending task Local prices for meals, t-shirt printing.
meeting logs <zodbot> Meeting ended Fri Jan 7 21:03:29 2011 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . <zodbot> Minutes: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fudcon-planning/2011-01-07/fudcon_latam.201... <zodbot> Minutes (text): http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fudcon-planning/2011-01-07/fudcon_latam.201... <zodbot> Log: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fudcon-planning/2011-01-07/fudcon_latam.201...
Em Dom, 2011-01-09 às 10:46 -0500, Alejandro Pérez escreveu:
First, sorry for delay on this report.
I'm sorry as well because I could not attend to teh last meeting due to last minute problems here. I hope we can continue the meetings this friday.
Status FUDcon Panama
Ciudad del Saber (Sponsor) Will sponsor space and infrastructure, conference center room for 150-200 people for the first day, 2 rooms of 50 people each for the next 2 days, dgilmore request that we need 2 more rooms or at least one more. This will be talk with them, probably we will get them.
By reading the meeting logs I saw that the idea is to have 3 tracks in the schedule. However, this was pointed as one of the downsides of FUDCon Santiago [1]. Unless we are expecting a huge public or a big number of talks, 2 tracks seems more appropriated. In FUDCon Santiago a lot of attendees didn't know what talk to watch due to some of them had been scheduled at the same time. As a consequence, rooms had few attendees because public got divided. There were also empty slots in the schedule, what we should try to avoid as well.
In FUDCon Porto Alegre we had just one track and rooms were full in almost in every talk. Maybe it is time to try an approach with 2 tracks in order to find the right balance.
[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Santiago_2010_Wrapup
Em Dom, 2011-01-09 às 10:46 -0500, Alejandro Pérez escreveu:
First, sorry for delay on this report.
I'm sorry as well because I could not attend to teh last meeting due to last minute problems here. I hope we can continue the meetings this friday.
Status FUDcon Panama
Ciudad del Saber (Sponsor) Will sponsor space and infrastructure, conference center room for 150-200 people for the first day, 2 rooms of 50 people each for the next 2 days, dgilmore request that we need 2 more rooms or at least one more. This will be talk with them, probably we will get them.
By reading the meeting logs I saw that the idea is to have 3 tracks in the schedule. However, this was pointed as one of the downsides of FUDCon Santiago [1]. Unless we are expecting a huge public or a big number of talks, 2 tracks seems more appropriated. In FUDCon Santiago a lot of attendees didn't know what talk to watch due to some of them had been scheduled at the same time. As a consequence, rooms had few attendees because public got divided. There were also empty slots in the schedule, what we should try to avoid as well.
In FUDCon Porto Alegre we had just one track and rooms were full in almost in every talk. Maybe it is time to try an approach with 2 tracks in order to find the right balance.
[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Santiago_2010_Wrapup
From my perspective
santiago was all talks for 3 days it was long and drawn out. there was no hackfests at all. We need to make sure there is hackfests and not solid talks for 3 days.
I think part of why there was so many people at the talks at FUDCon at FISL was due to the main floor being closed for the presidentail visit. I dont know that there would have been the same turnout if the main floor was open for all.
We need to work hard to make sure we follow a bar camp style and that there is not conflits with talks people really want to see.
We need to work hard to make sure we follow a bar camp style and that there is not conflits with talks people really want to see.
+1 This should solve concurrent talk/sessions conflicts.
Em Qui, 2011-01-13 às 06:21 +0000, dennis@localhost.ausil.us escreveu:
From my perspective
santiago was all talks for 3 days it was long and drawn out. there was no hackfests at all. We need to make sure there is hackfests and not solid talks for 3 days.
I totally agree. This is our biggest challenge. FUDCons in LATAM have been too "talk-centric". We need more hackfests, but in first place we need to identify who is the public we are aiming at and then who can lead this kind of sessions. Secondly, we need to treat those sessions accordingly. Hackfests are not common in LATAM and we need to promote them in a educative way: explaining what it means, what is needed to participate properly and why we need it.
I think part of why there was so many people at the talks at FUDCon at FISL was due to the main floor being closed for the presidentail visit. I dont know that there would have been the same turnout if the main floor was open for all.
From what I remember the main flor was closed only for one day and in
the other days we also had a good level of attendance. But my proposal isn't to follow that model but finding a balance between what was used at Porto Alegre and Santiago. If there are too many talks we can also have more hours in the schedule, as Paul said.
We need to work hard to make sure we follow a bar camp style and that there is not conflits with talks people really want to see.
This is a really good idea, Dennis. But the organizers will need a big help on this because bar camps aren't common in LATAM either. Some of LATAM contributors will have this experience in Tempe and this will help to improve things. It is also good to have the bar camp process documented in FUDCon Panama wiki page in order to inform people what a bar camp is about.
couple of comments
I totally agree. This is our biggest challenge. FUDCons in LATAM have been too "talk-centric". We need more hackfests, but in first place we need to identify who is the public we are aiming at and then who can lead this kind of sessions. Secondly, we need to treat those sessions accordingly. Hackfests are not common in LATAM and we need to promote them in a educative way: explaining what it means, what is needed to participate properly and why we need it.
this is a pro and cons, remember that no everyone has a laptop in latam, so
we have to prepare hackfest and workshops where people can interact too. The change from conferences to more "do" is a win+win, but has to be organized so all those who really want to "do" can withouth be excluded.
I'm sure that will be a way to solve this since the event will be hold in "city of knowledge" :D
also, there can be some small talks outside the rooms and use them to "entertain" to those who are not ready yet to contribute directly to the Project. Also will be a lot of enthusiastic who doesn't even know what's linux. So what I believe is that we should manage to focus on make that all the attendans feel bussy without care their skills.
I know everyone is worried in do, but LATAM is a growing community and we also must take care of the new talents :)
This is a really good idea, Dennis. But the organizers will need a big help on this because bar camps aren't common in LATAM either. Some of LATAM contributors will have this experience in Tempe and this will help to improve things. It is also good to have the bar camp process documented in FUDCon Panama wiki page in order to inform people what a bar camp is about.
A bar camp solution could be set a space for those talks that didn't make out, or to those people that didn't want to put their names in the wiki. So everyone could have a chance (using post-it or whatever like) to have a small conference that can be used to give a chance to new contributors (maybe smaller conferences/hacklabs) to show their own advances.
I think that as long we take care that everyone (developers, new users, and curious people) feel that there is something to them, will be a winning fudcon :)
On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 06:33:12PM -0200, Igor Pires Soares wrote:
Em Dom, 2011-01-09 às 10:46 -0500, Alejandro Pérez escreveu:
First, sorry for delay on this report.
I'm sorry as well because I could not attend to teh last meeting due to last minute problems here. I hope we can continue the meetings this friday.
Status FUDcon Panama
Ciudad del Saber (Sponsor) Will sponsor space and infrastructure, conference center room for 150-200 people for the first day, 2 rooms of 50 people each for the next 2 days, dgilmore request that we need 2 more rooms or at least one more. This will be talk with them, probably we will get them.
By reading the meeting logs I saw that the idea is to have 3 tracks in the schedule. However, this was pointed as one of the downsides of FUDCon Santiago [1]. Unless we are expecting a huge public or a big number of talks, 2 tracks seems more appropriated. In FUDCon Santiago a lot of attendees didn't know what talk to watch due to some of them had been scheduled at the same time. As a consequence, rooms had few attendees because public got divided. There were also empty slots in the schedule, what we should try to avoid as well.
In FUDCon Porto Alegre we had just one track and rooms were full in almost in every talk. Maybe it is time to try an approach with 2 tracks in order to find the right balance.
[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Santiago_2010_Wrapup
This is a good idea IMHO. We have found in North American FUDCons that having too many tracks has another downside. Not just smaller audiences, but the people who *do* attend often find there are two good talks happening at the same time. When they can't attend both, it makes the conference less valuable for them.
You can't avoid this problem in every single case, but we found at the NA FUDCons that the problem was growing too fast. Partly this is because we had so many people coming to give good talks! It's not a bad problem to have. The way we solved it was having fewer tracks at one time, and if needed, having more hours in our schedule. We went from 1 day of talks to 1.5 days. That may not be necessary in the case of FUDCon LATAM; that's just the way we are trying to solve the problem for the NA region in Tempe this year.