#569: FUDCon Latam Córdoba 2015: Hotel ----------------------------------+--------------------------------- Reporter: matiasmaceira | Owner: matiasmaceira Type: Task | Status: new Priority: normal | Milestone: FUDCon Córdoba 2015 Component: FUDCon Córdoba 2015 | Keywords: Hotel Blocked By: | Blocking: ----------------------------------+--------------------------------- = phenomenon = Babilonia Hostel owner meeting = reason = budget
= recommendation =
#569: FUDCon Latam Córdoba 2015: Hotel ---------------------------------+---------------------------------- Reporter: matiasmaceira | Owner: matiasmaceira Type: Task | Status: new Priority: normal | Milestone: FUDCon Córdoba 2015 Component: FUDCon Córdoba 2015 | Resolution: Keywords: Hotel | Blocked By: Blocking: | ---------------------------------+----------------------------------
Comment (by yn1v):
It was selected Hostal Babilonia to have everybody in one place, so we can more interaction time among collaborators. Daniel Bruno sent money to Matias Maceira in advance to pay and secure lodging. At this moment Daniel Bruno was reimbursed.
#569: FUDCon Latam Córdoba 2015: Hotel ---------------------------------+---------------------------------- Reporter: matiasmaceira | Owner: matiasmaceira Type: Task | Status: closed Priority: normal | Milestone: FUDCon Córdoba 2015 Component: FUDCon Córdoba 2015 | Resolution: fixed Keywords: Hotel | Blocked By: Blocking: | ---------------------------------+---------------------------------- Changes (by lbazan):
* status: new => closed * resolution: => fixed
I am cleaning up the fudcon trac. if necessary please reopen.
Best Regards!