Thanks to everyone for attending, especially after a subsidy meeting a couple hours prior. We're making *GREAT* headway on FUDCon Tempe and I'm convinced this is going to be a fantastic event.
Minutes: Minutes (text): Log:
Meeting summary --------------- * Roll call (stickster, 19:04:09) * LINK: <-- Agenda (stickster, 19:05:29)
* (Google contact at OLF) (stickster, 19:06:26) * ACTION: stickster to assign ticket 48 with update (stickster, 19:13:33)
* (GoDaddy sponsorship) (stickster, 19:14:14) * ACTION: stickster Set ticket 49 to check back in 2 weeks for status (stickster, 19:18:10)
* (Underage patrons at Sparky's Den) (stickster, 19:18:41) * ACTION: rbergeron Update ticket for status next week, 9/21 (stickster, 19:19:47)
* (Internet pipe at hotel) (stickster, 19:20:00) * stickster found contact and relayed to rrix's friend Zach and jsmith to relay to his guy (stickster, 19:21:17) * jsmith has relayed contact information to his guy (jsmith, 19:21:37) * ACTION: We'll check back about an on-site survey in one week (stickster, 19:24:05)
* (Prospectus) (stickster, 19:24:25) * LINK: (stickster, 19:25:19) * there are two documents sketched out, a prospectus and a sponsorship offering (stickster, 19:26:02) * LINK: <-- Prospectus (stickster, 19:26:12) * LINK: <-- Sponsorship offerings (stickster, 19:26:25) * LINK: (rbergeron, 19:29:15) * ACTION: Continue to whittle on prospectus on list and IRC after this meeting (stickster, 19:35:32)
* AOB (all other business) (stickster, 19:35:36) * Lanyards are on their way, thanks to inode0 (stickster, 19:39:22)
Meeting ended at 19:42:25 UTC.
Action Items ------------ * stickster to assign ticket 48 with update * stickster Set ticket 49 to check back in 2 weeks for status * rbergeron Update ticket for status next week, 9/21 * We'll check back about an on-site survey in one week * Continue to whittle on prospectus on list and IRC after this meeting
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * rbergeron * rbergeron Update ticket for status next week, 9/21 * stickster * stickster to assign ticket 48 with update * stickster Set ticket 49 to check back in 2 weeks for status * **UNASSIGNED** * We'll check back about an on-site survey in one week * Continue to whittle on prospectus on list and IRC after this meeting
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * stickster (84) * rbergeron (30) * inode0 (15) * jsmith (6) * zodbot (5) * biertie (2) * dgilmore (1) * SMParrish (0) * rrix (0)
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