sending summary of the current state of golang packaging in Fedora from my POV:
# Packaging guidelines (draft), fpc ticket
The current packaging guidelines are still in a form of a draft [1]. Corresponding discussion w.r.t. guidelines is held in fpc ticket [2]. There are still some issues that needs to be solved before the guidelines can be accepted (mentioned in [3]). The most severe is the api backward compatibility problem. In short, two or more Go projects can import the same Go package. As it has been proved many times, those projects require different snapshot (commit) of the package. All snapshots are either compatible, or not. In the former case, the most recent snapshot can be taken as an update (of a Fedora package). In the latter case, one of the snapshots has to be taken as a reference one. Causing some of the projects to be patched in order to be compatible with the reference snapshot.
As there is more than 250 Go projects packaged in Fedora, it is not trivial to update one Go package without breaking another one. In some cases, it is no longer possible to update to a new release without breaking dependencies of other package. For that reason, it is more feasible to concentrate on api backward incompatibilities detection in a distribution rather then to concentrate on actually solving the backward incompatibility problem.
Other aspects of the guidelines is to concentrate on support of dynamic go libraries, extending support to other architectures, or improving go spec file so it is more transparent for developers (e.g. better support for CI, providing more data for analysis, etc.).
# Current problems
This is not a complete list of all problems. Still:
- api backward incompatibility (described above): at the moment, it is possible to detect missing dependencies, however, it is not possible to detect missing API symbols of imported dependencies - lack of reviewers for new go packages - testing of Go projects: in most cases, go projects are shipped with unit-tests, however, it does not cover regression tests, or testing support for various (e.g. does a given secondary architecture has all dependencies; e.g. there is no fuse FS for arm) architectures, or for CD (continuous deployment) - minimizing a number or bundled dependencies some projects are built with: in some cases, it is not possible to built from debundled dependencies, a projects must be built from bundled - lack of maintainers of Go projects packaged in Fedora - development of tooling for task automation and analysis of Go projects - others: communication with upstream to improve the code or fixing issues, writing articles about Go projects (e.g. which tools are more suitable for which use cases, available tooling, the best practices for development, etc.),
# Tooling
As a lot of tasks can be automated (spec file generator, spec file lint, dependency analysis, etc.), it is critical to have a tooling saving each contributor/maintainer's time. To support the packaging effort, gofed [4] has been developed. In order to support analysis of source code and detection of bad behavior, the tool is continuously being extended with other tasks such as distribution scan, dependency graph construction, etc. One of the current goals is to improve:
- detection of api backward incompatibilities: only detection of missing packages is implemented, detection of specific symbols from API of go a package is not (removal of exported symbols from API that are not used by any project does not break backward compatibility) - analysis of code and discovery of unhealthy behavior: supported architectures, periodically running code coverage, unit-tests and other checks - collecting data about code: list of dependencies, list of defined symbols, tests, upstream changes, api backward compatibility violations, etc. - more improved updating and checking of spec files: better spec file updates (automatic update of dependencies, tests, decomposition into smaller devel subpackages or dynamic libraries, etc.) - more automated update of Fedora packages: in the best case "import srpm -> scratch build -> push -> build -> override -> update" in one command (already implemented up to the import srpm), at the same time extend the work-flow with running smoke tests, CI and other tests before the raw build is created (or put into updates-testing). - running govet, gofmt and other tools collecting errors, warnings and other useful information about state of go source code - others at [5]
There are tools for Go packaging and other automated tasks. Let's put the best from all tools and make our life easier.
# Joined effort, community
There is already a lot of effort in packaging of new Go projects into Fedora. Or updating the current ones with newer releases. In each case, there is always a need for reviews and review requests. The more projects we get into distribution, the better support we get for users (and other developers). On the other hand, more projects will increase the number of packages to maintain. Everyone's time is limited and should not be spent on dealing with routine tasks. Let's discuss about the most common issues we deal with, the way we solve go problems and ideas how to improve the current work-flows. Either by starting threads, each one for a new package into Fedora (e.g. snapd, notary, grafana, vault, etc.), about improvements of guildelines, or just about looking for reviewers.
This is not a complete reference of all problems the go packaging deals with in Fedora. Let me know if you need more information about specific problems, want to join gofed effort, or anything else related to Go in Fedora.
[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PackagingDrafts/Go [2] https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/382 [3] https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/382#comment:38 [4] https://github.com/gofed/gofed [5] https://github.com/gofed/gofed/issues
Happy to hear from ya!!!
Regards Jan