On Wed, Jun 24, 2020 at 11:53 PM Jens-Ulrik Petersen <petersen@redhat.com> wrote:
I have most of this is ready now locally on my machine (just working on the last harder package cases) - so probably by next week I expect to start building everything into a koji sidetag.

The remaining stragglers are:

- gi-pango: harfbuzz issue - reported upstream (blocks gi-gtk etc)
- patat: reported upstream (pandoc<2.9)
- gtksourceview2: C errors (reporting but basically unmaintained)

Also cabal-helper needs 4 new deps (optics-core, semialign (needed for purescript, reflex, cabal-plan) , these (will be needed by aeson-1.5), topograph (I would like to have this)).
So I am kind of on the fence on dropping it again.

Here is the draft Change proposal, any feedback or suggestions are welcome.

I went ahead and submitted this about an hour ago.