Recently I have been thinking it would actually be nicer to be able to parallel install Fedora ghc versions (then one can do things like `cabal build -w ghc-9.2.1` or get stack to use more system ghc versions etc).
We actually had (the ability to) parallel installs long ago, maybe during ghc6? But at the time SIG decided to avoid that to simplify the user experience.
But I want to revisit this now, with a tentative idea to introduce ghc9.2 etc to Rawhide for F36 perhaps. Having the builds in the main repo is also more discoverable. This will also open up the possibility of cabal-install3.6 etc - though adding ghc9.2.1-network etc is going to be more challenging in terms of additional maintenance.
Any thoughts on this? (I would probably "brand" it as parallel ghc installs rather than "demodularization": actually they are not exclusive, but in the long term this would probably end the ghc modules effort - even though I have yet to try the latest modular build iteration.)