I don't think I am ready to go through the package process [1] with this just yet, but I have questions to ask, so I am writing here :-)
I have been using
https://dhall-lang.org/ for some of my openshift/kubernetes configuration, like it much more than writing out YAML, and I would like to have it available in Fedora.
I am mostly interested in the cli-utilities that compile dhall files to various data formats (i.e. bash, yaml, json, text, e.t.c) and provide development support (linting, language-server, e.t.c.), currently I am using the statically compiled binaries from their github releases.
I know that there have been some attempts from dhall developer to use nix to build RPMs, but after they started distributing statically compiled binaries, they didn't pursue this further.
I can build binaries on my box using stack, but I am not yet sure how to use fedora-provided utilities (i.e. is it just i.e. 'cabal-rpm builddep && cabal-rpm spec dhall && cabal-rpm local dhall' ?).
Here are my questions:
Did anybody try to package Dhall already?
Can I take a stab at it? :-)
Do I correctly assume I should first be able to build the binaries with fedora-provided infrastructure (and not rely on i.e. nix)?
Should I assume i.e Fedora 31 is tracking Stackage LTS 13 and i.e Fedora 32 would be tracking Stackage LTS 14, when i.e. trying to resolve library dependencies?
When running dealing with cabal-rpm, what should I do about packages reported by `cabal-rpm missingdeps`?
Would some of you have time to help me troubleshoot, or answer more of my questions? :)
Thanks for any response!