Hi, I am pleased to announce there is now a ghc module in updates-testing-modular for F28 and F29: it provides ghc-8.4.3 (the module stream is called 8.4). I am planning to add a 8.6 stream too. (The Rawhide module has not appeared yet - not sure why.)

In conjunction with this, I am planning to disable executable dynamic linking in fedora Haskell packages to make them portable with modules. For example currently if one uses the ghc:8.4 module it is not possible to install any Haskell executable packages (cabal-install, pandoc, hlint, xmonad, gitit, git-annex, ShellCheck, hledger, cabal-rpm, alex, happy, etc), which seems not a good thing: more an annoyance not a pleasing thing for users. So starting in Rawhide I am going to change ghc-rpm-macros to do static link of executables (as cabal-install also does by default). Currently the only package with a static executable is hscolour - to reduce ghc rebase pain, but not having cabal-install and most of the other packages mentioned available for modules is pretty pointless really. I believe Rust and golang executable packages don't use dynamic linking either (in fact they don't even ship static library;). So anyway I feel this not so unreasonable approach and will cause less pain when updating ghc. Note that for executable packages that include a library there will still be a dynamic shared library produced, the executable will be statically linked to Haskell libraries).
