Hi Daniel!

My apologies for missing your mail...

On Sat, Mar 13, 2021 at 12:08 PM Daniel Moerner <dmoerner@gmail.com> wrote:
I was interested in checking out the new citeproc library in recent releases of pandoc, and so I did some legwork to build Pandoc 2.12 on rawhide. Packages are available on copr https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/dmoerner/pandoc-2.12/

Thanks for this - and see people are using it.
- ghc-hslua: Update to, add BuildRequires on ghc-semigroups-prof. The hslua.cabal file seems to have a typo resulting from a bad copy-paste, which also needs to be fixed with sed.

Dunno if I have seen the typo - would be good to open a PR upstream if it isn't already fixed (note semigroups is basically deprecated now).
- ghc-pandoc-types: Updated to 1.22. I split this out into its own package rather than as a subpackage with pandoc, because I was having trouble with ghc-texmath.
- ghc-citeproc: New package, This can be built with an executable, although I didn't build it with the executable.

- pandoc: Update to 2.12. Update sub-packages: hslua-module-system to 0.2.1, jira-wiki-markup to 1.3.3, and add new sub-packages: commonmark, commonmark-extensions, commonmark-pandoc, hslua-module-path. I got a bit lazy here, especially commonmark probably deserves its own package.

Yes good points

I wanted to share this because it should make its way into Fedora proper. I'm a member of the Packagers Group; I don't have prior experience with Haskell packaging, but the macros are impressive and well-organized. I'm happy to help in any way I can.

One question: I am unclear on the subpackages structure: It makes sense for the -core packages, but what about in something like pandoc? I imagine it's about  accommodating fast-moving changes in dependencies without always having to go through fedora-review?

That's correct - lately thanks to one of the big Fedora Package Reviewers our throughput has improved quite a bit, but it is still a hurdle getting new libraries added, and often updating happens in the last minute before the release... like right now in fact.

So the biggest help currently would actually be with unbundling these subpackages.
If you would like to get involved I would suggest starting that with pandoc.

I am actually almost done with updating all the Haskell packages to Stackage LTS 18 versions: pity I only saw your mail now, sorry.
But once that is done this month (should get pushed this week), your packaging contributions would be very welcome.
