I have been using
https://dhall-lang.org/ for some of my openshift/kubernetes configuration, like it much more than writing out YAML, and I would like to have it available in Fedora.
Cool, dhall is nice
I am mostly interested in the cli-utilities that compile dhall files to various data formats (i.e. bash, yaml, json, text, e.t.c) and provide development support (linting, language-server, e.t.c.), currently I am using the statically compiled binaries from their github releases.
Maybe I (or someone) could make a copr repo in the meantime, would be that be useful?
I know that there have been some attempts from dhall developer to use nix to build RPMs, but after they started distributing statically compiled binaries, they didn't pursue this further.
(Even I have struggled with packaging nix: though I have an experimental copr, though it might be out of date, and I am still unsure about the systemd units.)
I can build binaries on my box using stack, but I am not yet sure how to use fedora-provided utilities (i.e. is it just i.e. 'cabal-rpm builddep && cabal-rpm spec dhall && cabal-rpm local dhall' ?).
You can try running `cabal-rpm install --binary dhall` or you might prefer --standalone.
It ought to work, though I didn't try that yet - if not and you get stuck please ask.
Did anybody try to package Dhall already?
I am slowly working through the missing deps with that goal in mind but help is welcome.
Can I take a stab at it? :-)
You can, sure
Do I correctly assume I should first be able to build the binaries with fedora-provided infrastructure (and not rely on i.e. nix)?
Should I assume i.e Fedora 31 is tracking Stackage LTS 13 and i.e Fedora 32 would be tracking Stackage LTS 14, when i.e. trying to resolve library dependencies?
That's correct - I forgot to announce here, but I am still planning to rebase to LTS 14 for F32, but I think it shouldn't have a huge impact on dhall. :)
When running dealing with cabal-rpm, what should I do about packages reported by `cabal-rpm missingdeps`?
cabal-rpm install should generate and builds rpms for the missing packages (libs) locally.
cabal-rpm ... --standalone will use cabal-install instead to build the missing deps, generating an rpm for the executables only.
Btw I recommend using cabal-rpm-2.0 which is currently in F31 testing. (Also unannounced here, here.:)
Would some of you have time to help me troubleshoot, or answer more of my questions? :)
Ask away.
And sorry for the slow reply - just saw your mail
Thanks, Jens